
Archive for November, 2009

My Angel My Guide

THE following poem was written by a beautiful, courageous mother who had suffered so much in her life and after one healing was touched by the love of the universe and found the strength to carry on. When she read me the poem which she had written herself, I was overcome with emotion and joy at her recovery and asked her if I could share her amazing poem with you.

My Angel, my guide,

The one who is always by my side;

The bottom of sorrow, of pain, of hurt, 

The bottom of nowhere,

Yes I’ve been there;

The struggle, the fight with the dark,

The battle to find the light,

I’d lost my vision, focus, my sight;

My angel my guide, the one who’s always by my side, 

I lost who I was, the whole meaning of my being, 

Who would I become? I had no way of seeing;

My eyes weren’t my own, my body was theirs,

They ripped me apart, tears after tears; 

My angel my guide, the one who’s always by my side, 

I tried to fight, to fight and then hide,

They were always there, my angel my guide;

My strength had gone too buried to grab, 

I dug ’til it hurt,  lay alone in the dirt;

I met my angel, I met my guide,

I saw the vision, eyes open wide, 

My angel she came in a woman so beautiful and wise,                                     Somebody to listen to tell no lies.   

She pulled me from the bottom of my sorrow, of my hurt,

She showed me the way to a better life, 

I am a person a mum, a wife;

My angel my guide, the one who’s always by my side, 

I travelled through life not knowing what path to take ,  

Felt a sadness so real, my body would ache;

She gave me the will, the power to succeed, 

I followed the light, I followed her lead.

I thank her the world the stars and moon,  

I’m not quite there, but will be soon, 

I’ve known her forever, of this I am sure, 

She’s my medicine, my friend, my cure.

I hold my head high so many reasons why.

Sometimes the world can seem unfair,  

Alone in the dark with no one to care, 

But trust me you will get through, you will get there.

So dry your tears, open your eyes, stop the running no need to hide,

Because I will be your angel, I will be your guide,   

I will always be there, right by your side.

By Robyn, a very special soul.

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