
Archive for September, 2011

My 86 year old mother’s arthritis is much better after two weeks of herbal treatment. Read about it here: http://ow.ly/6HqsP . If you need help with arthritis or other health problems I am next at the Happiness Centre on October 12. Call me on 0789 1579364.

Nick Hudis

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Ilkley Gazette, Thursday, September 15, 2011
Jasmine is back in tune
An 11-year-old girl is celebrating after her dreams of playing the -violin were revived thanks to the Ilkley Gazette. Jasmine Judd (above), from Ilkley, was nominated to win for The Happiness Centre/Ilkley Gazette Helping Hand award by her music teacher. And after being selected for the prize, the Ilkley Grammar School pupil can play to her heart’s content. See below for the full story.

Funding hits a high note with young violinist
by Jonathan Redhead
Hours of practice and dedication has paid off for a talented youngster after she was nominated for the Happiness Centre/Ilkley Gazette Helping Hand award. Jasmine Judd, 11, of East Parade, Ilkley, had violin lessons at Ashlands School for the past year and developed a passion for the instrument. She was desperate to continue when she moved to Ilkley Grammar School, but discovered funding for free music lessons was not available to secondary students and her dreams of continuing to learn were dashed.
Luckily, her violin teacher Lindsay Gledhill spotted the Happiness Centre appeal to give away donated money to deserving groups -and individuals in the Ilkley Gazette and filled in the coupon without telling Jasmine or her mother: “I was so thrilled to receive a call from the Happiness Centre while-I was on holiday to say they wanted to encourage Jasmine with this award,” said Mrs Gledhill. “She is such an enthusiastic pupil and I really feel it would be such a shame if the lessons were not available to her. I am delighted.”

Kimm Fearnley, founder of The Happiness Centre, said they were so impressed with Jasmine it had been decided to fund her lessons at school for as many years as she wanted. Happiness Centre profits are used to support groups and individuals like Jasmine, as well as charities and funding the education of children through MySmallHelp in Nepal. “We feel passion and commitment deserves to be recognised and look forward to seeing Jasmine progress,” Mrs Fearnley said.
The centre, based above The Veggie Cafe, on Leeds Road, is giving away another £300 to £500 this month, so if you-would like to nominate your group or charity, or a committed person such as Jasmine, a to achieve a dream, complete the form.

The centre is also running a children’s writing competition as part of Ilkley Literature Festival. This is on Saturday October 8th at 2.30, where the cash prize of £50 will be awarded by Leeds children’s author Emma Barnes. See the Happiness Centre Web Site for instructions on how to enter your child for the award. Also at this event there will be children’s Whirling Dervish led by Irshad the Happiness Centre’s Healer and Wing Chun Martial Arts Teacher, The Author’s Angel – a talk on the theme from dyslexia to published auther by Anna Louise Haigh, and a call to follow your inspiration by the ever-Inspirational Keren Assemper. Refreshments available. Location: The Ilkley Operatic Hall, Leeds Road, Ilkley.

Also as part of the Ilkley Literature Festival, there is a Happiness Centre Sacred Sound Healing Demonstration on Monday 3rd October 7.30pm-9pm with healer, Maggie Pashley. where you can discover the healing power of sacred sound, experience toning, mantras, a gong bath – and poetry: unforgettable new dimensions of healing.

The Centre also has a wide range cultural and holistic events, as well as daily free (non-religious) meditation, all suitable for beginners.

Other wonderful events include the first Happiness Day on Sunday, October 2, including mind-body-spirit, craft and entertainment stands and a chance to sample the therapies, and there’s a Bandstand Day on The Grove, Ilkley centre: Friday October 28th, 10 to 5pm: where you can just turn up any time during the day to see Sufi Master Irshad’s demonstrations of Whirling Dervish and Wing Chun Marital Art. There’s Sound Healing and gong baths by Healer Maggie Pashley, Harp music by Jean Duffy. Members of the public have the opportunity to meet the Therapists and hear about healing and spiritual approaches that are on offer.
Profits from all events are used to give away in The Helping Hand Fund. For a list of events and treatments go to www.ilkleyhappinesscentre.com

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I work as a healer using energies channelled through me from Archangel Metatron. I feel very humbled to be able to do this healing energy work. We are coming into an age where many illness and dis-ease are forming due to our hectic and stressful lifestyles, debt, worry, stress and anxiety becoming the modern day plague of our society. Archangel Metatron opens us up to this remarkable and effective healing process. One which goes straight to the heart and heals. The energies help us to become calm and focus more, living more so in the moment. In essence the healing brings the following:
Healing of heart, mind, body, muscles, tendons, physical disharmonies
Healing of emotional trauma/deep imbedded issues/disharmonies etc.
Removing any doubt and fear, giving us the freedom to explore and move to where we truly need to be.
Opens us up to a new energy vibration that releases old thought forms and behavioural patterns that no longer serve our highest good.
Works through any emotional “blockages” and “issues”
Aligning your blueprint/repairing your DNA
Healing the Celestial bodies, Lightbody, Auric Field and Chakras

This is healing on a cellular level, reaching our very core, and allowing us to function more freely, think more openly and feel at one with the Universe and most importantly to connect with the deepest part of us…our true real essence. A shift in energy may be felt when the healing takes place and there is a 5-day cleansing/de-toxing period that follows which requires you to be good to yourself and take things easy. You are required to drink plenty of natural pure water, or fruit juice (not concentrated) to bring fluids into the body so that toxins can be released. Its not just about healing the physical body (vessel) but working firstly on the Celestial bodies/Aura/Chakras, healing these first, lifting our frequency/vibration and then the physical, mental and emotional bodies begin to heal. Your life will also heal, as you are released from controls, trauma, emotional blockages and conditioning. Very unique to the individual, to their DNA, their make-up, life story. So it’s very personal to you.

The conscious mind/linear mind will not fully understand this healing. There are things that some of us don’t accept or believe in. With Metatronia Therapy it is not necessary for you to fully understand or believe. What the Linear mind will understand is when the healing takes place as the whole human vessel (body) will feel the higher vibrations/energy within the body. Many experience a feeling of lightness, of being unburdened, of being released.

This is hands on healing, Angelic/multi-dimensional healing of the highest frequency. All that is required is that the individual relaxes and allows the energies to go where it is needed. We begin to notice how we are not so “trapped” in our own thoughts and issues. This healing is very subtle, yet the benefits can be felt almost immediately as some of my clients have said that immediately after they feel “so much different!”

It is a new healing modality, but using very ancient, beautiful, high frequency energy. This healing modality is currently receiving much acclaim from around the Globe as more and more people are opening up to Archangel Metatron and his amazing transformational and healing energies. I am available for one on one sessions, distant sessions and also offer this healing to many around the World who have experienced great transitions and healing.

If you would like to receive Metatronia Therapy™ then please email or call me. Cost for Treatment: £35.00 for 1-hour treatment.

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