
Archive for November, 2010

Michael Conneely is the Happiness Centre Astrologer. View www.starwheel.co.uk for your Natal Chart, Prediction or Love and Relationships Astrology, and also the fascinating series of Starwheel Workshops run in Ilkley with Healer Maggie Pashley. Starwheel Workshops are a unique combination of astrology and the demonstration of healing techniques. They are designed for both for the non-astrologer interested in understanding and working with their ‘Life Stages’, or wanting to learn rapid healing techniques for their lives and relationships, or for those interested in learning astrology.

SUN  IN  SAGITTARIUS  November 22 – December 21

Qualities:                                       Mutable – Fire

Key Phrase:                                   I see

Key Word                                     Freedom

Virtue                                             Hopefulness

Defect:                                           Dogmatic. Rides rough-shod. Non-discriminating

Ruler                                               Jupiter

Rules                                              9th House

Myth                                              Zeus/Jupiter and Chiron

Sagittarian qualities are freedom-loving, good fortune, abundance, optimism, lack of discrimination, given to hunches, drawn to things ‘foreign’, philosophical, spiritual, idealistic, humorous, honest and straightforward, love of liberty and freedom,  frank, outspoken, chatty, knowledgeable, freedom-seeking, restless, unreliable, changeable, optimistic, good-humoured, quick-tempered, does not respond well to the imposition of orders from others. needs to be mobile. the more alien the culture, the more he or she is drawn to it. Will want to find the meaning to everything: whether this be spiritual or an academic analysis of social constructs. Irony, insight. An intuitive, speculative intellectual. A dashing wandering soul, stimulating, exciting, dynamic, a tease.

Sagittarian defects are narrow-mindedness and bigotry (especially if associated with a social, ideological or religious group with limited vision), spiritual/ideological dictatorship, religious fanatics, blind adherents to the dogmas of established religions, a stubborn tendency to deal with people ideologically rather than with a love that is emotionally authentic, a tendency to soar above authenticity to emotional truths (even to the point of persecution of self or those near and dear), bluntness, an unsubtle approach to life, lack of tact. They can be chronically upsetting to sensitive people around them. Unmerciful to enemies, or to those who don’t match their ideological/religious criteria. They can jump to conclusions without taking all the factors into consideration. Over-optimism can cause problems 

Sagittarians are generally independent and usually dislike domestic tasks. They are energetic and naturally outgoing, achieving their goals through the ‘power of positive thinking’. Help may often appear when they need it – albeit at the 11th hour.  They are serious thinkers, concerned with the well-being of society as a whole. There is a ‘prophetic’, forward-looking quality about their vision. There is an innate sense of fair-play and justice. They tend to make intuitive mental leaps. Life is an adventure: a journey to be made as interesting, expansive, and informative as possible. For the more extraverted Sagittarian, life is the adventure, the mystery, the unattainable goal, the one that got away, the fear of missing something, the new, the exciting and the trendy. This quality can manifest as insatiable sexual passion. The more introverted Sagittarian will be more into the new novel or new film or new philosophy or higher teaching, &c. There’ll have  the nerve to try one’s luck. Easily gets bored. Dislikes doing the same thing twice. Loves to play roles: Jupiter was a shape-changer. Explosive temper.  Not one to hold a grudge.  Can be gullible – especially to flattery. The world of safe secure serene unchanging domesticity horrifies Sagittarius. Heavy displays of emotion disturb him/her  – He’s more into friendship.

Sagittarian interests include religion, death, philosophy, law, medicine, books, publishing, giving advice. They travel far and fast, either geographically, or in thought, or both. They like people to acknowledge their qualities and work, and since the creative urge is strong, they expand their egos through creativity. 

Home and family evoke sentimental reactions and they can adopt an image of self-sacrifice for their benefit. They can express fixed and assertive opinions at home, and while they attempt to create a free liberal atmosphere, simultaneously they can act against this by your extreme opinions or dogmatism. Needs conviction: can be opinionated.

They need mental stimulation and a variety of company – and this can create a pattern of restless physical and mental activity. The Sagittarian’s  partner needs to understand his/her need for freedom, sharing his diverse interests and not attempting to limit or restrain him.

A Sagittarian may not always be fully honest with himself: self enquiry may reveal two sides to his nature: one that is bright and amiable; the other that is broody and insecure.

Sagittarians may need employment which offers them considerable variety and independence, and the opportunity to organise their own job. Interest areas are listed above: but avoid any arena where devastation can be done due to authoritarian or patronizing attitudes. 

SHADOW SAGITTARIUS SUN: Not valuing people for who they are, but only if they fit into the social circle/ideology that the Sagittarian moves in. The name dropper, the groupie, the esoteric initiate, politically in the know, ethnic glitterati.

Using people: using a sexual relationship, making a career out of basking in someone else’s limelight.

Sagittarius over-extends himself, therefore promises far more than he will deliver: materially, spiritually or emotionally – enthusiastic and out to impress and convince.

Mean a shrewd commercial nose behind a ‘front’ of nobility and a great heart.

Difficulty in adjusting to the limitations of reality. Lacking the maturity and discipline to finish what he starts. frightened of making any commitment to the material/tangible world, profligate and strutting; fails to allow people to love him for his own sake, rather than for the sake of his fantasies/ideologies.

THE SAGITTARIUS LOVER: Reluctant to commit. Restless and hungry for experience. Loves the new and exciting – this can be inhuman. Even if Sagittarius remains with one person, he/she dislikes being caged (psychologically or sexually). Needs to be able to soar off into philosophical speculation or imaginative fantasy, or to travel. It’s tragic to see an Archer bound and gagged by someone who won’t let him exercise his spirit. Needs to believe in something and needs to have goals, even if they aren’t realistic. He/she can’t bear anyone who belittles his dreams. Needs to be able to communicate. Needs belief in love, otherwise life wilts: perhaps almost never ultimately loses hope for the future: a believer in the value and vitality of life. He/she can be generous, but can’t give on demand – has to be spontaneous.  He’s a self-centered soul – can be insensitive (even if hopelessly in love). Sagittarius has a problem making the bridge from romantic fantasy to fleshly reality. Some Sagittarians despair of ever making a successful relationship, and so they roam through life leaving a trail of broken affairs behind them: unfinished business and unlived life. There’s often a frightened child behind this person: cynical or ideological, but afraid of being hurt or convinced of unlovability. Given a feeling he can be himself, Sagittarius gives freely, and no one is so entertaining or stimulating a partner, full of excitement and new possibilities. Sagittarius hates the person who reminds him he needs to grow up and be more responsible. A state of non-marriage superficially suits a Sagittarius, because he/she thinks he can exist as he wants to with the minimum of fuss. Likes ‘open relationship’. Will sometimes do anything rather than admit to responsibilities emotionally. Not a constant home-bound person. Sagittarians are not domestic and Sagittarian woman can be happy to dispense with partner and rear the child as a travelling companion, perhaps remaining a socialite or a careerist. Driven to pursue his/her romantic fantasies. Often has a wishful vision of love, full of fiery drama and perfection and even ‘spiritual union’. Could go in for the ‘pursuit of the eternal feminine’, or ‘the pursuit of the puer aeternus’. If a Sagittarian denies himself exploration in love when young, he will usually break out of his conventional bonds in middle age.

THE HEALER – There’s possibly a special link to healing with part of this Sun Sign. The constellation Ophiuchus overlaps Scorpio and Sagittarius in part, and this has occasionally, erroneously been identified as a 13th sign, but traditionally it was certainly associated with the healer Asclepius who learned the secrets of keeping death at bay after observing one serpent bringing another healing herbs. To prevent the entire human race from becoming immortal under Asclepius’ care, Zeus killed him with a bolt of lightning, but later relaented a bit and placed his image in the heavens to honor his healing works. Also the constellation Sagittarius, itself, has been believed to represent Chiron (the teacher of Asclepius), where the position of  Chiron in your natal chart represents a special fated wound you have to deal with, and in healing it, you become able to heal others.

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Saturday 11th December 10am-7pm

Intro to Shamanic Energy Medicine – Learn about the Incan Shamanic Philosophy and Archetypes

Learn about the chakra system.

Connect to the five elements the energies of earth, air, fire, water and the ethers, that which connects us all.

Learn how to calibrate and use a pendulum

Learn how to receive and send energy

Journey to the shamanic underworld and meet our power animal

Learn different breathing techniques to help calm us and awaken our kundalini energies.

Learn how to feel energy centres and unblock them

Learn how to cleanse and protect your energy body


Shannon works internationally teaching Theta Healing and Shamanic Energy Medicine. She sees clients predominantly in London at Marble Arch and Ilkley, West Yorkshire. She believes awareness and education go a long way in helping people change and gives talks and demonstrations regularly.  She also takes small groups of people on shamanic based life-changing trips to Peru annually. She is currently supporting social enterprise projects in Peru in conjunction with the charity My Small Help Peru.

Call 01943-601517 to book or for more information.

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If you are aware of the Violet Flame, you will know how magnificent and powerful it is as a healing tool. The violet flame resides and works through the following crystals:

 ¨      Amethyst Crystals

¨      Tanzanite

¨      Purpurite

¨      Sugilite

¨      Most violet coloured stones

I wanted to briefly mention the Violet Flame as it is awesome when used in healing, whether it is for yourself or for your clients.

Using the crystals as outlined above, especially Amethyst and Sugilite, will invoke the healing powers of the Violet flame and bring in a powerful healing energy that works on many levels, especially good for removing toxins, and any negativity that resides in the aura or person.

You only need to use this energy for a few minutes at a time as it is very powerful. All you need to do is ask for the violet flame to come through when you begin your healing session (either on yourself or client) say something like “I invite the violet flame to assist me with healing on all levels”. You can use it to heal situations, heal pets, and remove any negativity that surrounds your life. But again don’t use for too long as its very powerful stuff.  Enjoy!

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‘Faster than EFT’ it said on my computer screen and I responded to a gauntlet being thrown down. For those scratching your head, EFT refers to Emotional Freedom Technique – a very effective way of dealing with stress and anxiety and one dear to my heart as a long-standing EFT practitioner and trainer.

I clicked on the link, half wanting to be disappointed or irritated and to prove to myself that EFT was probably still far better than what was on offer. But I was intrigued instead by an approach to health and healing, hitherto unknown to me, called the Emotion Code which claimed to get to the roots of underlying physical or emotional distress and release them gently and easily. What Bradley Nelson described made absolute sense to me. That unresolved trapped emotions drain our energy and weaken our health. Sometimes we don’t always know what is really bugging us we might just not feel quite right, or sometimes we are convinced it’s because we had a particular traumatic experience but we may still not know how to change our response.

In his book ‘The Emotion Code’ Dr Brad describes how to uncover those underlying emotions that continue to trigger us today. He asks his client’s body directly through muscle testing, getting just the right amount of information for the body to be able to be willing to let go of that  trapped emotion and then simply rolling a magnet down their back a few times to clear it. No drama, no tears, just a clear practical cleaning up process.

I must admit it did sound a bit weird but after over twenty years as a therapist I was fairly used to ‘weird’. What I wanted to know was did it work. I sent off for the five chapters of his book ‘The Emotion Code’ that he offered free and decided I would be my own guinea pig. I had no sooner got the procedure under my belt than I was faced with a very distressing family upset which left me feeling wretched. I proceeded to uncover feelings which surprised me but which made absolute sense and then took off my magnetic bracelet to roll it over the top of my head and down my back. Any magnet, even a fridge magnet will do apparently! It’s the intention that counts!

I was amazed at how different I felt. From feeling despondent and distressed, I now felt a new surge of energy and went back home to declutter my kitchen and then went off to the supermarket and came home with some new garden furniture. I actually felt better than had in ages.  From then on, I used it on myself to clear what Dr Brad calls a Heart Wall – a block to giving and receiving love. Most of us have had some point being disappointed, let down or even heartbroken and this can naturally affect our ability to love or feel lovable.  A couple of months after this, I met my current partner and started a relationship after over a decade on my own. I honestly believe this Heart Wall clearing was a significant factor in allowing me to be open and receptive enough.

Since then I have used Emotion Code on many of my clients and cleared a few Heart Walls. One client described how she felt like she ‘had come home to herself’ after a Heart Wall clearing. Another said she felt like she was able to be ‘truly herself’ for the first time ever and found it more powerful or fundamental than the hypnotherapy had been using with her.

So is it better than EFT. I wouldn’t like to say. I still love EFT but Emotion Code is brilliant.

I’d highly recommend getting Dr Bradley Nelson’s book and checking it out for yourself or if you are in Ilkley you can come and have a face to face session with me if you want to experience.  I also do distance sessions so location isn’t really an object. Call me on 01274 617030 or email: maggie@changeforlife.co.uk.  Web: www.changeforlife.co.uk.

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Sunday 5th December

Metamorphic Technique Workshop

Metamorphic technique helps you transform lifelong habits, limiting beliefs and issues with health, it is an easy tool for gentle transformation




2nd December , Thursday, 7.30pm-9pm

Support for Carers with Charlotte Willoughby

A support group for carers led by trained psychotherapist Charlotte

£10 per session. Contact to confirm your place


Regular class – alternate Thursday evenings from 2nd Dec

6th December, Monday, 7.30pm-9pm

Talk & Demo on Amega Wands with Maggie Pashley & Chris Miller

Come and learn how this pen like device can reduce pain, increase mobility and help the body heal itself



One off event

Wednesday 8th December

Silver Gemstonz Jewellery Party

Exclusive Silver & Gemstone Jewellery handcrafted designs at affordable prices. Come and browse

Free Event. No need to book



Saturday 11th December

Shamanic Workshop with Shannon O’Flaherty

Learn about the Incan Shamanic Philosophy and Archetypes, connect to the five elements and learn how to send and receive energy




Monday 13th December, 7.30pm-9pm

Poetry Group with Maggie Pashley & Michael Conneely

Bring out the poet in you. Share and support others. Give voice to your inspiration. All welcome



Repeats on 2nd Monday every month

Wednesday 15th December

Heal the Relationship Conflicts in your Life with Louise Fennel

Journey therapy is a revolutionary guide of Inner healing. Come and find out how it can help you

Free meditation and Talk



Saturday 18th December 10am-12pm

Crystal Healing – The Basics

A brief introduction to the Crystal kingdom, and how crystals can assist us in healing not only ourselves but others.

£25 plus workbook to take home.


One off

Saturday 15th January, 10am-4pm

Manifesting Abundance Workshop with Louise Fennel

This fun and relaxing workshop will help you clear blocks and limiting beliefs so you can welcome the good things into your life.

£35 – Contact to confirm your place


One off

Saturday 22nd January

Pendulum and Dowsing Workshop – Part 2

This fun and relaxing workshop will help you clear blocks and limiting beliefs so you can welcome the good things into your life.




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Vedic Astrology provides so many invaluable messages for us.

One of these valuable messages from a study of our Vedic natal chart, is that it provides an answer to the question of ‘incarnational destiny’, in other words: why am I here?

Contact Michael for a combined western and Vedic astrology Birth Chart Reading to find out your incarnational destiny: Michael@starwheel.co.uk.

When I, personally, learned the message of my Vedic natal chart, my life fell into place. I received clear meaning. All the events and challenges and successes fell steadily into place and into perspective. It provided such a clear route map for living the rest of my life.

Just one example:

For example, if you have Ketu in the 4th House of Mother in the sign Libra,  and Rahu opposite it in the 10th House of career in the sign Aries, this gives a clear message about ‘why you are here’, your incarnational destiny’; your major Life Lesson.

Quite a lot of guidance is to be found in the Incarnational Destiny reading within my Natal Chart Interpretations, but put very briefly, in the case of this one example, the Life Message is as follows:

With the Nodes of the Moon in the 4th House to 10th House axis, your mother will not value you, for you, mother ‘dissolves’. So what do you do? You will therefore be driven and obsessed to seek standing in the world, like career, in an effort to say ‘I have value’. But all this will be an illusion. It will amount to nothing. You won’t find real value that way. It is a message to find value in yourself.

With Nodes of the Moon in the Libra – Aries axis, this is a script about relationship. You will seek meaning in relationship. This will amount to futility and relationships will dissolve unless you also develop Aries qualities of self-assertion, and achieve balance of the two qualities.

A note on the astrology:

Vedic astrology, which is the astrology of ancient India, is a vast and powerful force today, with a huge message for the modern west. Vedic Astrology gives sure and accurate declaration. In Vedic Astrology, your incarnational destiny is understood partly from the position of the Nodes of the Moon in your natal chart: the house, sign and lunar sign (Nakshatra) they fall in, and any of your planets that the Nodes conjunct.

What are the Nodes of the Moon? The Nodes of the Moon are the intersection point in space of the apparent orbits around the Earth of the Sun and the Moon. They represent the eclipse points at the moment we were born.

Think about it! Eclipses were traditionally seen as demons because they are so powerful they can actually devour and obliterate the light of the Sun or the Moon. But because Vedic Astrology is tantric, all circumstances can potentially connect us to God, and to who we are in our essence.

In Vedic Astrology, the energies of the two Nodes are very different:

The position of Rahu, the North Node, in our Vedic Natal Chart tells us where we will put driven or obsessional energies often in an automatic ambitious and unthinking way in our life.



The position of Ketu, the South Node, in our Vedic natal chart tells us where things will dissolve in our life: but be warned: this dissolving is not gentle; it is more the energy ofknives cutting away from us what we do not need in our lives.

The two experiences, when understood and healed, enable us to walk the correct path for our life and learn our major Life Lesson (often very challenging), and arise in life empowered and beautiful.

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Tammy Majchrzak

SNHS (Dip.Crystal Healing)




Saturday 18th December 10am-12pm   £25


A brief introduction to the Crystal Kingdom and how Crystals can assist us in healing  not only ourselves but others


Course Content:


  1. 1.     What are Crystals?


  1. 2.     Working with Crystals


  1. 3.     Crystal Communication


  1. 4.     Cleansing and programming


  1. 5.     Say hello to some little friends!


  1. 6.     Crystals and the Chakras


  1. 7.     Lets Play! – Demonstration and interaction with Crystals and using the Pendulum


Contact 01943-601517 The Happiness Centre, 32a Leeds Road, Ilkley, LS29 8DS

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Enjoy a Crystal Healing session with Tammy. The session includes laying on of Crystals and hands on healing. The Crystals are chosen intuitively by Tammy to assist in healing and balancing of mind, body and spirit. This is both a relaxing and uplifting healing session, the crystals all having their own unique healing properties. Bringing you into balance, cleansing and removing negativity from the body and Aura. The session lasts for an hour and a free gemstone is given to you, chosen by Tammy for you to keep with you.






Also available “Sirhiya Jewels” handmade Genuine Gemstone jewellery made by Tammy. Please ask for more details.


Contact Gerda 01943-601517


Coming soon – Crystal Healing Workshop

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With Tammy Majchrzak



Tammy is a Natural Intuitive Healer and also works with Archangel Metatron bringing you a very unique Hands-on Healing Therapy. The healing works to balance the Auric Field, and rebalance the energy/vibration of the human form.   Archangel Metatron opens us up to this remarkable and effective healing process, one which goes straight to the heart and heals. The energies help us to become calm and focus more, living more so in the moment. 


The Healing works on many levels. Removing not only physical blockages and stagnant energy but also assisting in removing doubt and fear and negative patterns/thought forms, giving us the freedom to explore and move to where we truly need to be, to realise our life’s true soul purpose. Freeing us from our own restrictions and negative processes that

may have been with us for many lifetimes.  

The healing is painless, very soothing and extremely relaxing. Aligning your blueprint, repairing your DNA and raising your vibration to a higher level allowing for healing to take place.  

A subtle shift in energy may be felt when the healing takes place and there is a 5-day cleansing/de-toxing period that follows which requires you to be good to yourself and take things easy.  You are required to drink plenty of natural pure water, or fruit juice (not concentrated) to bring fluids into the body so that toxins can be released.

To book an appointment please contact Gerda on 01943 60 15 17

Cost £40 per session 

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You ask what you can do? Easy – leave your mind and your constant thoughts and return to your heart. Inside your heart is a tiny place where all knowledge and wisdom reside. Whatever you need on all levels of your existence is there for you.

Drunvalo Melchizedek, “Serpent of Light”.


Clearing circles are based on two main concepts. The first one being Heart Circles and the second one being Hooponoponpono which comes from the Hawaiian culture. Loosely translated, Hooponoponpono means “to set things right”.  


Heart circles help us to explore what each person wants in order to be more present, authentic, heart-directed and connected in their lives. The basic concept behind Hooponoponpono is to accept that your entire existence comes from within, not from outside of yourself. John Assraf  in the movie ‘The Secret’, says “There is no ‘out there’ and ‘in here'”, and that is the very truth of our Universal existence. The concept is that we are one with all things at all times. We are all simply extensions of ‘source energy’ and we are all co-creators of our own existence. Also  that we can clear or set things right by simply accepting responsibility and loving ourselves and by showing gratitude for the things in our life that you are thankful for and that we want to grow and flourish and by showing forgiveness for the things that we want to go away or diminish.


Clearing circles help us to start living authentically in the present moment whilst identifying our most inner wants and needs so that we are able to voice these in a non confrontational and loving way that allows us still to be connected to those people around us that are important in our lives. The space that this practice creates allows us to leave conditions behind and shows us what our heart really wants in a space which feels very safe, nurturing and supportive. This is a co-creative process that enables us to develop clear authentic communication. We also learn to love, accept, forgive and show gratitude and clear old unconscious programs that constantly sabotage us. By sitting together in a supported circle that stimulates the listening of our heart, we are able to break through old routine cycles of behavior, belief systems and sabotages.

The Clearing Circle Model is simple: people sit in a short meditation then in a circle quietly together for a few minutes to tune in. Afterwards there is a short check-in to find out what everyone is feeling as the circle opens. The rest of the circle time is used to explore what each person wants to create in their lives and how to clear sabotages, belief systems and  family patterns that are stopping us from being all that we can be


Contact : Alweenazairi@aol.com  

Session Time:  Mondays 7pm – 9pm (Starting 10th Jan 2011)

Venue: CHILD Centre, Holly House, Spring Gardens Lane, Keighley, BD20 6LE 01535275851/01535612060/07751529731

Cost: £5.00 per Session

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