
Archive for August, 2010

Michael Conneely, Ilkley Happiness Centre Astrologer, explains how his worldwide distance astrology courses can offer really illuminating and practical insights into anybody’s life.

How can something as ancient and apparently mystical as astrology help in these highly technical, materialistic and busy times we live in?

Well, as I see it, astrology helps us understand ourselves and those around us with greater clarity so that we can make better choices and navigate more smoothly through the complexities of modern life with all its diversity and rapid change.

Understanding your birth chart offers you deep insights into your true nature. It can highlight areas of natural strengths and enable us to really value abilities which we might otherwise simply take for granted and consider commonplace and it can guide us into ways of channelling those abilities into the world – in the form of a career path, hobby or lifestyle choice. In short, it can show us how we can be most happy and productive.  Equally, astrology can pinpoint areas that we need to develop or can give an awareness of how we come over to others, something that may be partially hidden from us. For example, our chart may reveal that our ‘default setting’ is that we lack assertion and need to find ways of  expressing our needs more clearly and directly or alternatively we could become so over-enthusiastic and driven that we become insensitive to other people. Understanding this, without judgement, can help us to use this awareness to function more effectively in the world and get along better with others.

Learning astrology, through one of my very caring and supportive courses, can really help you ‘make friends’ with yourself. Rather than trying to be like everybody else in your family or workplace it can enable you to be the best you you can be, to let your own light shine. After all you don’t get willow trees trying to be oaks or labradors trying to be greyhounds, yet we an unwittingly do the equivalent to ourselves and wonder why we feel uncomfortable or unhappy.

As a professional astrologer. I have many people coming to consult with me to gain deep and clear insights into what is going on in their life. Yet there is something about learning how to interpret your own chart through a course which is both rewarding and exciting and which makes teaching astrology such a joy for me. The distance course I teach involves going through your own chart planet by planet so you have a sense of building up gradually and unveiling new aspects of yourself with each assignment. By the end of the course you will have a much better understanding and hopefully appreciation of yourself.

And you are also invited to study the chart of two other people. Someone you know well and myself. People will normally choose a partner or family member and understanding their chart can really improve communication and deepen love and relationships.

Do you hate the thought of calculations and figuring out degrees and aspects? Don’t worry we have computers these days to make it all easy and I will provide for you all the charts you need, included in the course fee. My distance course provides a very enjoyable and invaluable ways of shedding light on to who you are and what you’ve come here to do.

So you can see how easy it is to get started and you’ll be surprised at how much you’ve learnt by the end of the basic Western astrology course. As a recent student of mine said after just two modules:

‘Hi Michael I can’t thank you enough for all you are so generously sharing with me, thank you. It was truly a gift to read your insights on my daughter, also what you say about her makes so much sense.’

Tiffany (Mousehole, Cornwall, UK)

And for those who want to learn more, I offer further courses on Western and Vedic astrology, prediction and a truly wonderful course on the astrology of relationships compatibility.

So if the sound of this excites you, I’d love to hear from you. You can enrol on line on my website http://www.starwheel.co.uk/courses.html or if you have any questions simply contact me at michael@starwheel.co.uk or call me on 077-992-96821.

You can find out about the Happiness Centre at www.liftthespirithealthesoul.com.

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Weekly Update at LIFT the spirit HEAL the soul

Our Centre Charity Donation for August: £140

  • Metamorphic Technique Workshop with Maggie Pashley


For Self Healing & Transformation

Sunday 19th September


Cost: £95

  • Ilkley Support Group


Issues around ‘Addictions’

Every 2 weeks

Starting Thursday 26th August

7.30pm – 9pm


  • Happiness Centre Holistic Open Day


Have a Taster session, Attend free presentations, Talk to our experts!

Free Entry

Sunday 12th September 10am-3pm

Contact Gerda for further details or to book any of above: 01943-601517      or     07894-075951

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Indian Head Massage Practitioner Diploma, 10.30-4pm, Friday September 3rd.

This course, taught on behalf of London Therapists, is fully accredited and insurable as an additional skill for therapists or simply a fun way to help your friends and family to relax and unwind. The one day course is taught in small groups of 6 or less students.
Indian Head Massage is one of the most popular massages around and involves work on the neck/shoulders, scalp and face to balance the body’s energy, improve circulation and help to unwind tense muscles. Booking through www.london-therapists.com    Cost: £95.

Japanese Hand Massage Practitioner Diploma, 10.30-4pm.

This course, taught on behalf of London Therapists, is fully accredited and insurable as an additional skill for therapists or simply a fun way to help your friends and family to relax and unwind. The one day course is taught in small groups of 6 or less students.
Japanese Hand Massage is a wonderfully relaxing therapy which brings relaxation, energy balance and de-stresses the client with a combination of Shiatsu massage, reflexology and other massage moves. Booking through www.london-therapists.com. Cost: £105.

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open day

You don’t have to wait until then end of October for the Complimentary Therapies Festival. Find out what’s available right here right now at the:
WHEN: Sunday 12th September

Just as out car needs to be maintained so it can operate at peak erformance, so do you…
This Open Day gives you an opportunity to see what processes are available to you in your own backyard and how they might be useful to you. Sometimes you might need talk therapy, other times a simple massage to bring about the necessary change. Maybe you just need to be in the right group of people…
Come to the Open Day and discover what is right for you:
Hear Talks by Experts in their chosen fields-
Kimm- Opening Meditation
Kiran: Self-Healing Stress through Shiatsu
Maggie: Metamorphic Transformation process
Marjorie: Bio-Resonance. What is it and how can it Help?
Nhys: Sacred Space and its power to inspire and heal
Roxy: Creative Visualization for Abundance
Tim: Regeneration –Turning Back the Biological clock using Acupuncture
Charlotte: Dreams- the doorway to the Powerhouse within
Michael: Identifying Karma in need of clearing in an astrology chart
Experience Tasters to see if the process is right for you:
Try a Pilates Pose, a massage, a tarot reading, Chakra Healing, Meditate, have some Reiki, Hopi Ear Candling and much much more…
The day starts at 10am and the first Talk (all approx half an hour in length) starts at 10.30. The Veggie Café will be open for morning/afternoon teas and lunch. So why not come along for a fun-filled day. Entry is Free but some Tasters may incur a cost.

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The Girl Lourdes we are sponsoring has been taken to the hospital by the charity mysmallhelp and another
organisation called Awamaki .

They visited a place where they can make special orthopaedic shoes and
they have been given  a quote of 190 soles for special boots for Lourdes. they are not

 ordering the shoes yet because they first want to
consult with a doctor and the Australian podiatrist to get their

They then visited the “San Luis” centre which is actually a
special need education centre called “Nuevo camino” linked to
a childrens home called “Hogar de las estrellas”. It may be possible for Lourdes

to study at the school but she would still need somewhere to live.

Lourdes was also taken to see a traumatologist at the San Juan de Dios
hospital who has confirmed the diagnosis of Osteogenesis Imperfecta.

This was found on her records as she was diagnosed previously at this hospital when she was 8 years

Lourdes has also just seen the social worker at the hospital who passed

her on to an evaluation specialist that measured Lourdes up for a
custom made wheel chair. this request will be
sent to the organisation Equip Kids International and the wheel chair
should arrive within the next 2-3 months. Fingers crossed!! Lourdes is
extremely happy and so are we. She is extremely patient and has
already had to wait 18 years to get to where she is now so we are not
too worried about the estimated wait time.

 150 soles has been spent on transport between Rumira and Cusco,
additional taxies were about 30 soles and telephone costs about 10
soles. In addition lunch for Lourdes and her family (28
soles) and additional refreshments for the journey home (22 soles).
Total spent was 240 soles which is about £60. So Thank you once again for
your donation.

Please contact us if you would like to make a donation:

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From Issue 41 of City Dweller.

For people who are passionate about

Leeds and City Centre Living.

A huge new craze in L.A – as a result of filmstars desperately seeking facial rejuvenation after directors have been banning botox because of its obvious muscle paralysis and inevitable expressionless facial performances – is the ‘acupuncture face lift’! Guess what: I found a therapist perfectly situated in the treatment rooms above Neals Yard in Victoria Quarter for all us city dwellers.

There have been extreme claims from those dramatic Americans such as “it can take 10 years off you” etc etc, but I’ve found some more plausible effects of this cosmetic acupuncture. It is believed to lessen signs of ageing from the face, fine lines, jowls firmed, droopy eyelids lifted,improved moisturisation of skin; increased local circulation of blood and lymph to the face; increased collagen production; improved muscle tone, and dermal contraction; tightening of the pores; brightening of the eyes; with results usually apparent after just a few treatments. Sounds

pretty good to me!

Jermaine quickly questioned my state of mind as I booked an appointment with the reality being that I was going to let a guy I don’t know stick needles in my face…but you’ve got to take risks in life and the acupuncturist (Tim from Triangle Therapies) reassured me he has all the qualifications. From our first meeting, Tim seems a very genuine guy, a picture of new-age hippiness. He started to find pressure points on my lower legs and gently inserted these tiny needles. Tim uses silicon-coated needles from Japan, although they cost more than double the normal needles, especially for the face, as they are apparently a lot less painful. This was much appreciated as, although I didn’t feel a few of the needles go in, you do feel a teeny prick.

After 15 minutes of looking like a voodoo doll, he took them out and gave me a wonderfully deep facial massage, like I’ve never experienced before. I loved feeling like he was actually stimulating my muscles to lift and I’m sure the increase in blood circulation will help my skin’s appearance if nothing else! My face was a little red in patches after the treatment but looked very refreshed, as it usually does after a facial. Perhaps my genetically misfortuned drooping jowls have been lifted slightly or perhaps that’s my positive thinking?!

So I booked a couple more treatments, one week apart as this is recommended to notice any kind of change. The second time, I was much more prepared but still baffled and intrigued by the sensations, again the massage was welcomed after the needles and I did leave feeling revitalised and Jermaine did comment on my glowing skin!

Third time around…and the poll says I look 16! Result! No – no poll just my man, my mum and the blatant honesty of 30 little children at Ology Performance School, which I own and run every Saturday morning. So the conclusion for the acupuncture face lift; it intrigued me and I guess still does. I have noticed I’m not wearing foundation half as much as I used to, which is rare for me in winter and I have had a few ‘you look really well comments’ – always nice!

Personally, there is no comparison with botox, as acupuncture is holistic and botox is poison, paralysing your muscles, simple. Plus, I don’t want to look like a robot; I’m a very expressive person and the lines on my face show that! I like that the acupuncture worked on the energy and overall body wellness, which in turn shows in your face and I do think it did. For a few weeks before a special occasion I’m sure it will help you radiate inner beauty.

Check out  www.triangletherapies.co.uk to book yours.

 Laura Jaye

Or Contact us at:

LIFT the spirit HEAL the soul
The Happiness Centre
32a Leeds Road
LS29 8DS Ilkley

Telephone: 01943 60 15 17
Mobile: 07894 075951

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Cosmetic acupuncture, also known as acupuncture face-lift and facial rejuvenation is a form of acupuncture that is applied in an attempt to reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Acupuncture itself has been practiced for thousands of years, and although the cosmetic variety itself has been around for much of that time, new variations and techniques have evolved and become more popular in the western world. While traditional acupuncture is used to “relieve pain, induce surgical anesthesia, and for therapeutic purposes, cosmetic acupuncture focusses upon reducing the signs of ageing and is applied to the areas of the face prone to lines and wrinkles.The application of the needles is generally done across several meridian lines, including several not on the face, across which the body’s qi flows, as well as several other acupuncture points including on the forehead, cheeks, ears, chin, around the eyes and along the wrinkles themselves. The insertion of needles causes blood to circulate throughout the face. It is claimed that the process also prompts development of new collagen fibres throughout the face, causing the reduction of existing wrinkles,

Due to its reputedly anti-aging effects, the process has become popular with Hollywood-based celebrities and is considered an alternative to botox treatment. The process is also reported to have medical applications in the treatment of pigment-related skin conditions, the aftermath of plastic surgery and treatment of facial paralysis.

How does acupuncture facial rejuvenation work?

   * Restore the balance of body chemicals, such as serotonin, endorphin, adrenaline and other hormones
   * Alleviate stress
   * Improve circulation of blood and lymph within the face
   * Facilitate collagen production
   * Enhance muscle tone
   * Increase dermal contraction
   * Tighten the pores of skin

At the moment we have a 15% reduction on all Accupuncture and Accupressure treatments. Please contact us for an informal chat or to book a consultation.

Call: Tim Brown BAcC MRSS

 Telephone: 07957-411174

  email: tim@triangletherapies.co.uk

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Wednesday 9.30am: Colour & Healing with Karen

Wednesday 6.30pm: Enhancing awareness of energies in and around you and learning how to disperse unwanted energies, with Roxy

Thursday 9.30am: No Meditation

Thursday 6.30pm: Focusing upon gentleness and kindness with Roxy

Friday 9.30am: The Goddess and Divine Femininity with Nhys

Call 07894-075951 or 01943-601517 or email: info@liftthespirithealthesoul.com for more details. Beginners welcome x

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What’s in the stars?

Quite a violent configuration to the stars in mid August! Saturn is at the beginning of Libra, opposed by Jupiter and Uranus at the beginning of Aries. If you have planets near these points in your birth chart, this opposition will find you caught between sticking to what you know and feeling restricted and/or wanting to bring in exciting new futures. Saturn and Uranus are both square (90 degrees) to Pluto in Capricorn. Will you hold the existing situation powerfully together, or will the dam burst?

The tension could leave you drained!

Mercury, turns retrograde from 22nd August to 13th September, so expect delays and lost messages.

There’s a Full Moon on 24th at 17.05 GMT August at 1 Pisces, and a New Moon on 8th September at 10.30 GMT at 15 Virgo. Watch out for the ways these may activate planets in your natal chart. Experience how the phases of the Moon affect you.


Relationships and work can be competitive. Avoid taking short cuts. Keep matters in the open.


Love matters are mostly strong in August. Be careful to balance family and work. Step back. Don’t rush into decisions.


Bring more clarity to your love life. Offer firm structure to your children. The month should be creative and romantic overall.


August is a good month for creating a budget and you’ll need to ensure structure and better clarity at home. Develop a sense of peace this month. Don’t try short-cuts.


A good month for communicating, keeping up with friends, widening your mental horizons and fresh energy. Keep grounded. Don’t over-do it or overspend.


Taking stock in August. The planning phase of new starts is September is the time for. Listen to your intuition and to your partner.


A very difficult start but August is social, charming and loving. Take charge of your life. Honour your responsibilities. Create structure and discipline.


A rich and blossoming month for relationship and career. Take charge. Be creative. Avoid any lower Scorpio themes such as vindictiveness.


A cheerful and stimulating month. Share with like-minded people. Avoid being caught in disputes.


You’ll need to focus on career; beware neglecting your partnership. Avoid stress. Take one step at a time. Expect changes of plans.


Re-think, review. Might be best to leave decision making to others. The month is expansive. Take special care budgeting.


A time where you prove yourself at work. Avoid power plays. Expect financial tightness. Deepen ties.

These brief Horoscopes come to you from Michael Conneely at www.starwheel.co.uk.

Michael’s Astrological Services include Natal Chart Interpretation, Prediction, Relationship Compatibility Analyses and Understand Your Child.

Working with Maggie Pashley at Change for Life, Michael offers astrological analysis and counselling for couples, as well as hypnotherapy, EFT and Emotion Code Heartwall clearing.

Contact Michael for full Readings: Tel 077-992-96821 or via www.starwheel.co.uk

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What’s in the stars?

Quite a violent configuration to the stars in mid August! Saturn is at the beginning of Libra, opposed by Jupiter and Uranus at the beginning of Aries. If you have planets near these points in your birth chart, this opposition will find you caught between sticking to what you know and feeling restricted and/or wanting to bring in exciting new futures. Saturn and Uranus are both square (90 degrees) to Pluto in Capricorn. Will you hold the existing situation powerfully together, or will the dam burst?

The tension could leave you drained!

Mercury, turns retrograde from 22nd August to 13th September, so expect delays and lost messages.

There’s a Full Moon on 24th at 17.05 GMT August at 1 Pisces, and a New Moon on 8th September at 10.30 GMT at 15 Virgo. Watch out for the ways these may activate planets in your natal chart. Experience how the phases of the Moon affect you.


Relationships and work can be competitive. Avoid taking short cuts. Keep matters in the open.


Love matters are mostly strong in August. Be careful to balance family and work. Step back. Don’t rush into decisions.


Bring more clarity to your love life. Offer firm structure to your children. The month should be creative and romantic overall.


August is a good month for creating a budget and you’ll need to ensure structure and better clarity at home. Develop a sense of peace this month. Don’t try short-cuts.


A good month for communicating, keeping up with friends, widening your mental horizons and fresh energy. Keep grounded. Don’t over-do it or overspend.


Taking stock in August. The planning phase of new starts is September is the time for. Listen to your intuition and to your partner.


A very difficult start but August is social, charming and loving. Take charge of your life. Honour your responsibilities. Create structure and discipline.


A rich and blossoming month for relationship and career. Take charge. Be creative. Avoid any lower Scorpio themes such as vindictiveness.


A cheerful and stimulating month. Share with like-minded people. Avoid being caught in disputes.


You’ll need to focus on career; beware neglecting your partnership. Avoid stress. Take one step at a time. Expect changes of plans.


Re-think, review. Might be best to leave decision making to others. The month is expansive. Take special care budgeting.


A time where you prove yourself at work. Avoid power plays. Expect financial tightness. Deepen ties.

These brief Horoscopes come to you from Michael Conneely at www.starwheel.co.uk.

Michael’s Astrological Services include Natal Chart Interpretation, Prediction, Relationship Compatibility Analyses and Understand Your Child.

Working with Maggie Pashley at Change for Life, Michael offers astrological analysis and counselling for couples, as well as hypnotherapy, EFT and Emotion Code Heartwall clearing.

Contact Michael for full Readings: Tel 077-992-96821 or via www.starwheel.co.uk

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