
Archive for March, 2010

The Happiness Centre went to the Bradford Health Roadshow on Tuesday. Nhys Glover our new in-house therapist came bringing her http://www.yorkshirepost.co.uk/people/Board-game-born-of-tragedy.6018518.jp spiritual Board game which was very popular with the students of the college. Maggie was also performing tasters of EFT and Metamorphic Technique…

Nhys & Maggie at The Bradford Health Roadshow

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If you’re feeling confused about which way to go in your life, whether it’s work,  relationships or spiritual issues, or if you’ve always fancied having your astrology or tarot read, or are just plain curious, you can now drop in at Ay Ni – the Happiness Centre shop supporting a Peruvian children’s charity.

I offer TAROT READINGS and ASTROLOGY SESSIONS at Ay Ni ethnic jewelry and fair-traded goods charity shop at Third Floor, The Arcade, 7A Railway Road. Ilkley (Above Emporio Italia, close to Costa’s, just off Brook Street) every Thursday 10.30 to 5pm.

I am now getting very busy so to ensure an appointment you can phone me on 07799296821 or email me on michael@starwheel.co.uk.

Just reminding you that I’m at the Happiness Centre on other days and if you are far afield and don’t want to miss out then why not have a skype session with me?

Here’s what a couple of recent clients said:

I was so pleased that your reading enabled me to heal my relationship with my mother before she died

What you saw made me able to avoid losing a large sum of money.”

Posted by Michael Conneely, astrologer at the Happiness Centre. Web: http://www.starwheel.co.uk

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Acupuncture could help period pain, researchers say

Stomach ache

Period pain is a common complaint

Acupuncture may be an effective way of easing severe period pain, a South Korean review of 27 studies suggests.

Researchers said there was “promising evidence” for acupuncture in treating cramps, but that more work was needed.

In the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, they noted two studies found little difference between real and sham acupuncture in treating pain.

Acupuncture is a less contentious form of complementary medicine than some, but its value is still disputed.

Period pain can be severe in some women and may be accompanied by nausea, diarrhoea, migraine and backache. Common treatments include pain killers, applying heat and exercise – although a recent study questioned the efficacy of the latter.

This latest review involved 27 studies – which included nearly 3,000 women. They addressed a variety of forms of acupuncture – from classical to acupoint injection.

Complementary therapies should not be used exclusively, at the expense of conventional treatment, unless significant improvements have been made and your doctor tells you otherwise
Professor Philip Steer

Traditional acupuncturists insert needles in acupuncture points located along what they describe as “energy meridians” – a concept for which many scientists say there is no evidence. Sham acupuncture places needles away from these points.

It is not clear whether either form alleviates pain as a result of the placebo effect – the very ritual of undergoing acupuncture – or cause subtle changes in the nervous system and brain activity which can be beneficial.

Nice backs needles

The analysis by the team from Kyung Hee Medical Centre found that patients with severe period pain reported a greater reduction in their symptoms when using acupuncture compared with pharmacological treatments.

But they stressed there were methodological flaws in some studies, and that the findings did need to be interpreted with caution. Nevertheless, there was “promising evidence”, they wrote.

In the UK, the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (Nice) has backed the use of acupuncture in the treatment of low back pain – a move welcomed by some but criticised by those who say there is little evidence for its efficacy.

The editor-in-chief of the BJOG, Professor Philip Steer, noted that some women had period pain, also known as primary dysmenorrhoea, so badly they were “unable to function normally”.

“Women with primary dysmenorrhoea should consult their GPs or gynaecologists on the best treatment available to them. Complementary therapies should not be used exclusively, at the expense of conventional treatment, unless significant improvements have been made and your doctor tells you otherwise.”

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Hypnotherapy ‘can help’ irritable bowel syndrome

woman with abdominal pain

Irritable bowel syndrome causes abdominal pain and bloating

Greater use of hypnotherapy to ease the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome would help sufferers and might save money, says a gastroenterologist.

Dr Roland Valori, editor of Frontline Gastroenterology, said of the first 100 of his patients treated, symptoms improved significantly for nine in 10.

He said that although previous research has shown hypnotherapy is effective for IBS sufferers, it is not widely used.

This may be because doctors simply do not believe it works.

Widely ignored

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common gut problem which can cause abdominal pain, bloating, and sometimes diarrhoea or constipation.

Dr Valori, of Gloucestershire Royal Hospital, said the research evidence which shows that hypnotherapy could help sufferers of IBS was first published in the 1980s.

He thinks it has been widely ignored because many doctors find it hard to believe that it does work, or to comprehend how it could work.

It is pretty clear to me that it has an amazing effect
Dr Roland Valori, editor of Frontline Gastroenterology

He began referring IBS patients for hypnotherapy in the early 1990s and has found it to be highly effective.

“To be frank, I have never looked back,” he said.

He audited the first 100 cases he referred for hypnotherapy and found that the symptoms stopped completely in four in ten cases with typical IBS.

He says in a further five in 10 cases patients reported feeling more in control of their symptoms and were therefore much less troubled by them.

“It is pretty clear to me that it has an amazing effect,” he said.

“It seems to work particularly well on younger female patients with typical symptoms, and those who have only had IBS for a relatively short time.”

Powerful effect

He believes that it could work partly by helping to relax patients.

“Of the relaxation therapies available, hypnotherapy is the most powerful,” he said.

He also says that IBS patients often face difficult situations in their lives, and hypnotherapy can help them respond to these stresses in a less harmful way.

NHS guidelines allow doctors to refer IBS patients for hypnotherapy or other psychological therapies if medication is unsuccessful and the problem persists.

Dr Valori thinks that if hypnotherapy were used more widely it could possibly save the NHS money while improving patient care.

Dr Charlie Murray, Secretary of the British Gastroenterology Society, said: “There is no doubt that hypnotherapy is helpful for some patients, but it depends on the skill and experience of those practising it.

“But the degree to which it is effective is not well defined.

“I would support using it as one therapy, but it is no panacea.”

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Learning to read the tarot is a great way to develop your intuition, not to mention impressing your friends.  So why not come along and let us lead you through a step by step guide to understanding the meaning of the cards, and the spreads and layouts to use.

We will be pleased to see you on at 7.30pm on Monday 12th April for the first session of our six week course, held in the meditation room of the Happiness Centre. The cost for the six weeks is £60 and can be booked through Gerda, the Centre Manager or by calling us on 01274 617030 or 07799296821. You also pay through Paypal at: www.starwheel.co.uk/prices.html.

Posted by Michael Conneely and Maggie Pashley.

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Childrens Iyengar Yoga Class
Saturday 10th April 10am-11.30
Diana, a local puppeteer from Black Cat Theatre is coming to do a children’s yoga class at The Happiness centre over the Easter holidays.  During many visits to India Diana has studied with the master yogi BKS Iyengar and worked with artists, storytellers, dancers, puppeteers, helping to make their culture accessible to all.  This session will include a healthy mix of rich stories from India which inspire the yoga postures and brings out their link to the natural world – trees, mountains, flowers, animals,  followed by calming relaxation.
With many years experience of working with children in schools, Diana sees the great benefit that yoga can bring to children who nowadays are less active and developing poor posture whichin turn leads  to bad health.  Children in Scottish schools are already reaping the benefits from regular yoga classes in a collaborative venture between an Indian couple and Glasgow City council.  The morning sessions are showing an improvement in concentration, attitude and the ability to learn. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/education/8572385.stm 
Call Gerda at The Happiness Centre on 01943-601517 or 07825-336898 to book a place

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“Shannon O’Flaherty, who is trained in Shamanic Energy Medicine and Theta Therapy, is organising another amazing trip to Peru. I went on the last trip she did in May 2009 and it really was an outstanding journey. Shannon has developed excellent contacts in Peru amongst some of the local guides and Shamans there. The experience of going to the various sacred sites in Peru to engage with the local spirituality and energies was very powerful and quite moving. The picture you see below is one that Shannon took as we were heading back down from the ‘Gateway of the Sun’ at Machu Picchu. The energies at Machu Picchu were palpable and it felt like the Incans had a good knowledge of Feng Shui as they were able to channel the various geo-energies  into the site. It was quite an ‘eye –opener’. The trip was excellently organised and we stayed in some great places. However, I would say that the trip is for people that are looking to challenge themselves and grow through those challenges. The ‘work’ that you do by being in these ‘high energy’ spaces and engaging in the rituals brings up your own issues to deal with.  Physical condition isn’t a limiter to going, but your willingness to deal with your own mental and emotional issues is a must. One of the highlights of the trip was going up to the mountain community school/orphanage that Shannon is supporting with the proceeds of the tour. It is truly heart melting to engage with the children and know that you are helping them directly. The Peruvian infrastructure has recovered after the flooding in January but sincerely needs support from tourism. So, do your bit by going on the trip! I would recommend the trip if you are looking to have a magical experience while moving out of your comfort zone and yet knowing you are supported in doing so. ”  (Dan Kahn)

These trips make a big difference to the people we support out there.  please feel free to check out the Lucid Touring page itself: http://www.lucid-training.com/pages/lucid-touring.php

THE TIME HAS COME!!  Peru is calling and there is no better time to travel there as now.  All the necessary transport and roads to connect cities are back in working order and the floods have subsided, but Peruvians depend on their tourist industry.
As you may or may not know, 10% of your trip costs go towards supporting projects in Peru.  We help build greenhouses so they can grow fresh vegetables at high altitudes and kitchens connected to schools so children who walk 2 – 3 hours each way can have hot food in their tummies.  We help provide clothing and shoes, among many other things that improve the quality of life.
The trip dates are May 11th – 28th.  This trip takes us from Lima to Cusco, throughout the Sacred Valley including Macchu Pichu and all the sacred sites you need to see with various shamanic ceremonies.  We will be working with authentic Q’uero Shamans.  It also includes visiting the Amazon Jungle and there you will have the opportunity to try ayahuasca if you feel called to do that.  It is not compulsory by any means!  We return to Lima to catch flights home on the 28th (arriving back in UK on the 29th).  This trip costs £2200 and the first non-refundable deposit of £700 is due by March 15th.  The rest of your payments can be as you like as long as it is paid in full before we leave.  International return flights to Peru usually are around £600 – £800.  KLM sometimes does good deals.  All internal Peru flights are included in your trip cost (ie: Lima to Cusco to Puerto Maldonado and back.) All hotels, transfers and two meals a day are included.
If you would like further information about this trip please email me asap shannon@lucid-training.com or ring me Shannon 07944882482.
I am offering an additional excursion to see the Nazca Lines May 28th – 30th.  This short trip takes us by bus to Ica where we will explore the Ballestas Islands and the city of Nazca and its aqueducts as well as having a helicopter tour of the Nazca Lines!  We will return to Lima to catch flights home on the 30th (arriving back in the UK on the 31st).  This trip costs £450 and is payable in full by April 14th.
Some people have mentioned that they would like to go to Peru, but not to the jungle.  So I am breaking things up a bit to accomodate as many people as possible!  The jungle part of the trip is May 23rd to 26th.  If you want to come for the jungle part only (and then maybe Nazca?) you would need to get yourself to Cusco BY May 22nd as we all fly out to Puerto Maldonado on the 23rd in the morning….just getting to the jungle is an adventure in itself!  We will be staying in a built for Westerners beautiful Eco Lodge, complete with swimming pool and fabulous food.  You will return to Cusco with the group and have the last day there with everyone.  The Jungle Only trip costs £500 and is payable in full by April 14th.
If you do not want to go to the jungle, your trip costs for Peru will be £1850.
It is wise if going to the jungle, to look into vaccinations and malaria tablets, although the part of the jungle we are going to, is not known for malaria.  I have done it both ways, had the vaccines and last year and the year before only did it homeopathically (even in a high malaria area).  Let me know what you need to know and I will direct you although much of this information is on my Lucid Touring Page.
This is the trip of a lifetime.  Shamanism is part of the philosophy and history of Peru, it has nothing to do with religion.  This is a great opportunity to bring a journal and engage in some heart warming, paradigm shifting, self-evolution!
If Peru isn’t your thing I am offering a trip to go see John of God in Abadiania, Brazil April 26th – May 9th.  John of God is an amazing spiritual experience of healing.  This man, Jao (John in Portuguese) hosts ascended masters to come into his body and delivers healing to thousands of people.  Most people go there for physical ailments needing attention, but in the end of October 2007 I went there for spiritual evolution and boy did I ever get it!  This trip is two weeks and costs £1000. The first non-refundable deposit of £300 is payable by March 15th. The remaining payments can be paid as you like as long as the trip is paid in full before we leave.  Everything (all meals, guides, accomodation, transfers and interpreters) is included except international airfare to Brasilia (around the same as getting to Peru).  If you are interested in this trip please contact me asap shannon@lucid-training.com or ring 07944882482.
If you are interested in coming with me on ALL of my trips I will give you a 10% discount.
Reservations and bookings need to be made as soon as possible in Peru as May is high tourist season, so if you are interested in this trip, please contact me now!   I look forward to hearing from you.
Shannon O’Flaherty



Tuesday 11: England, Lima



Wednesday 12: Lima, Cusco.

Welcome ceremony with the grandfather fire.

Tour guide: Eddy

Shaman: Adrial


Thursday 13: Saqsaywaman, Qénqo, Tambomachay, Picnic.

Soul Retrieval ceremony in the sacred rock.

Tour guide: Eddy

Shaman: Adrial


Friday 14: Moray y Salinera.

Guia: Eddy

Ceremony: Victor


Saturday 15: Sacred side of Pisac, Pisac Market.

Tour guide: Eddy

Ceremony: no


Sunday 16: Rafting, sacred site of Ollantaytambo.

Tour guide: Eddy

Ceremony: no


Monday 17: native village of Tástayoc, Despachos workshop in Wayra Punca, San Pedro.

Shaman (despacho): Shannon

Shaman (SanPedro)(optional): Roger


Tuesday 18: resting day, Ceremony on temple of the moon.

Ceremony:  Hermano Pancho.


Wednesday 19: exploring Machupicchu.

Tour guide: Eddy

Ceremony: no


Thursday 20th: Machu Picchu Sunrise spiritual ceremony, Watsu and rebirthing ceremony

Tour Gide: Eddy

Shaman: Jesus

Rebirthing ceremony: Shannon in hotsprings private group session


Friday 21: come back to Cusco, lunch in Tunupa restaurant, visiting Chinchero.

Tour Gide: Eddy

Shaman: no


Saturday 22: Tipon and Temple of Wiracocha in Raqchi.

Tour Gide: Puma

Shaman: Puma



Sunday 23: Cusco, Puerto Maldonado 9:25 am flight, Ecoamazonia Lodge, Ayahuasca (optional).

Ceremony: Panduro


Monday 24: Walk and/or boat ride in the jungle, ayahuasca (optional).

Ceremony: Panduro


Tuesday 25: Monkey Island, Ayahuasca (optional).

Ceremony: Panduro


Wednesday 26:  free afternoon, Coca reading.


Thursday 27: Temple of the moon in Saqsayhuaman, Picnic, free afternoon, slide show, interchanging gifts.


Friday 28: transfer to the airport to board the last flight Cusco, Lima.

OR Take an additional short trip to see the Nazca Lines!



Friday 28: Bus from Lima to Ica

Tour National Reserve of Paracas


Saturday 29: Tour Ballestas Islands


Sunday 30: Visit the Planetarium

Flight to see the Nazca Lines

City Tour Nazca, Aqueducts, Paredones y Talleres

Return to Lima


Monday 31: arriving home

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Scottish children feel benefits of yoga

By Catrin Nye
BBC Asian Network

Children in Glasgow give their views on yoga at school

“Maybe out in the playground someone annoyed you or made you feel cross. You felt that angry feeling inside; I want you to let all of that go.”

Those are the calming whispers of Miss Carr, teacher at Quarry Brae Primary and newly trained yoga instructor, who has a class of 10 and 11-year-olds huddled in front of her with their legs crossed, eyes closed and thumbs and index fingers forming the yoga Mudra.

The lights are dimmed, a lavender candle is burning nearby and, with a Glaswegian twang, the children chant “Ommmm”.

It is not what you might expect from a classroom in Glasgow’s east end.

Quarry Brae is in Parkhead, a stone’s throw from Celtic football ground, and by the head teacher Sara Adam’s own admission is a deprived area that is finally getting much-needed investment.

Yoga hits those hotspots because lots of children need movement and breaks in the day when they can get their self discipline back
Quarry Brae Primary head teacher Sara Adam

In October 2009 the area of Parkhead West and Barrowfield was identified by the Scottish government as the most deprived in Scotland.

Things are on the up though, and rusty swings and litter-strewn parks sit next to new housing developments.

For Quarry Brae Primary teacher Ms Carr and head teacher Mrs Adam, yoga is bringing a calming influence to the children and helping to get them in a mood to learn.

“Perhaps they haven’t got that support for education at home,” explained Mrs Adam.

“They may not be coming out to school ready and settled, which contributes to children learning.

“Yoga combats those issues because lots of children need movement and breaks in the day when they can get their self-discipline back.”

Peace island

Yoga being incorporated into the classroom, with breathing exercises sitting between math and English lessons, is the dream of Scottish Indian couple Sam and Sunita Poddar.

They moved to Glasgow in the 1970s and, after making their fortune in care homes, last year bought an island in Ayrshire called Wee Cumbrae (now Peace Island), which they are busy turning into a yoga retreat.

Scottish school child Brandon says yoga has clamed him down
I used to have a quick temper and yoga has calmed that
Quarry Brae Primary school child Brandon

The project to bring yoga to schools is a collaboration between the Poddars’ charity – Patanjali Yog Peeth UK Trust – and Glasgow City Council, with 15 schools in the city involved so far.

The scheme involves Mr Poddar giving a taster lesson to pupils and then inviting teachers to free training so they can deliver the yoga classes without him.

Ms Carr is one of the first to complete her training and says it is helping both her and her pupils.

“We have a laugh and we have good fun with it,” she explained. “It’s really improved my relationship with the children, their concentration levels and their attitude to one another.

“Teaching can be quite stressful and the yoga class is a nice time for me and the children to connect.”

Brandon, 11, is quick to back her up and just as quick to try and give yoga tips.

“I got hit in the face with a ball,” he explained. “Usually, I’d go up and start a fight with whoever did it but I don’t any more. I used to have a quick temper and yoga has calmed that down.”

Pay back

Mr and Mrs Poddar are dedicated to yoga and, specifically, their type, which is called Pranayama.

It puts emphasis on breathing techniques with Mr Poddar’s classes involving plenty of inhaling and exhaling as well as more recognisable stretches.

Scottish Indian couple Sam and Sunita Poddar

Sam and Sunita Poddar say yoga can build bridges

There is no charge for the classes and the couple say they do it for free to help spread the benefits of yoga and repay the benefits being in Scotland has provided them.

“We really want to reach every child in Scotland and this is the start,” said Mrs Poddar.

“I’ve been in Scotland for 33 years and wherever we are, in terms of success, has been given to us by this country. It’s time to pay back some of that and this is why I’m out there to help.”

Mr Poddar added: “Children are our future and health is everyone’s business.

“Yoga can also build bridges between generations and communities. Often, in my classes you see a daughter, mother and grandmother sitting together. It’s all about good health, body and mind.”

You can hear more on this story at 1230 and 1800 GMT on 18 March on the BBC’s Asian Network Reports radio show or via the BBC iPlayer.

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