
Archive for November, 2011

EVEN MORE about the Avalon Light Therapy System and sharing with you some great results.

         Long standing skin conditions improving.

         Scars and acne scarring massively fading.

         Wonderful pain relief –even with chronic issues.

         Get rid of those hot flushes.

         Someone used it for dental problems and got the wonderful “side effect” of reducing her wrinkles!

And many, many more………………………………….

According to The National Institute of Health (2009) 85-90% of all disease is caused by stress –so much of that is hidden stress.

Give yourself a pre-Christmas treat –you deserve it – and book in for a session. I’m having open days on Wednesday 14th December from 1pm to 6pm and also Friday 9th December from 9am to 1.30pm

Cost: £30 for a 30 minute session

Buy 5 sessions and get the 6th free – limited time only

The Avalon Quantum System is great for:

Pain Relief
Injuries / Wounds
Improving Circulation
Hormone Balancing
Stress Reduction
Collagen Production
Hair Growth
Weight Loss
Immune Enhancement
Organ Balancing
Glandular Rejuvenation
Lymph Activation
Chakra Balancing
Nerve Regeneration
Laser Facelift


For more information ring Marie Jowett  – 07714721961 and also check out www.theavaloneffect.com/WhyLightWorks.asp

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Wake Up Call  

The lungs are greatly influenced in this energetic time of the season. A weakness in the lung meridian/Metal Element flow within our bodies may create imbalances manifested as asthma, allergies, sinus problems and/or bronchitis.

Sometimes, people with Metal Element and lung imbalances find themselves waking up at night especially at 3:00 a.m. or sometime within 30 minutes before or after 3:00 a.m. Our unresolved stress awakens us and disturbs our sleep patterns.

When there is a healthy balance of the Metal Element energy, the body can release stress, produce lung energy (Qi) through the breathing cycle, have healthy responses to life and distribute energy throughout the body.

BodyTalk has proven to be a safe and easy way to address the body in a truly holistic way, whether it be seasonal issues, recent stress, or long term imbalances of the body-mind.

As a result, clients enjoy overall improvements in:

  • quality rest
  • increased day time energy
  • reduced mental stress
  • healthier sleep patterns
  • improved breathing/immune issues
  • increased awareness of their environmental stress triggers

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The Happiness Centre has raised the money to buy Denzil. Well done Kimm!!! Here’s some news from the group who now has Denzil: Our group. Otley and District Riding for the Disabled (RDA) was formed 25 years ago at Acrecliffe Equestrian Centre, Otley, by Anne Everall, Anita Yeadon and Jean Lupton who is our current treasurer.  The group flourished there but situations change and the busy professional yard had less time available for our growing group which has since branched out and rides at 4 venues, each fulfilling a different need.  We are also fortunate to have Cragg House Farm, home of Caring for Life, at Cookridge as part of our group providing Carriage Driving one day a week.
On Sunday afternoons we have a group for children who at the moment range from 4 to 15 years.  We ride at Hopewell Equestrian Centre, Carlton Lane, Guiseley where we have three ponies at livery and are able to use a friendly horse and a Shetland pony as well. In 2 years this group has grown from 4 riders and now has 19 on its books.  Our riders have a range of physical or learning difficulties but we focus on what they can do! (and what delightful youngsters they are)

Obviously we could not function without our volunteers who are mainly teenagers.  We give them basic training for health and safety, working with horses and the areas where our riders need support etc.  They are the most amazing and dedicated young people and we hope their time with us changes their attitude towards disability for life and that when they have time they will come back to RDA.

Our other treasures are our ponies who seem to understand every word we say and who work so steadily helping our riders have fun, learning about ponies, learning to ride and to overcome their own personal challenges.  We have been very fortunate to have been given a Fell pony and also another pony, Denzil, who comes from Ireland.  After we had owned Denzil for several months and one of our teenagers had put in a lot of work to familiarize him with our activities we were contacted by someone who said Denzil had only been lent to the person who gave him to us and that he really belonged to him.  Time passed; we thought this was a problem between these two people and we continued to look after and use Denzil.  We spent a lot of money finding the right saddle to fit Denzil and used him happily for over a year  Recently the person who claimed ownership came back to us saying he wanted Denzil back.  Fortunately he agreed to sell him to us for £400 and we were able to keep him however great the financial setback was for us.  As we al  l oved Denzil we did not want to part with him but this feeling was also strengthened by the fact that Denzil was himself disabled as one of his legs had been damaged when he was a foal.  This does not affect his movement but we feel protective to him and feel that he is well placed with his present situation.  The work suits him and the owners of Hopewell look after ponies with great care which we appreciate.

We have had wonderful bonuses from volunteers who have undertaken fund raising for us on their own initiative.  A young man who lived in a pub decided to make a collection in a bottle for us.  He turned up one day with £50 he had collected in a night!  Another volunteer decided to hold a coffee morning in the school holidays and presented us with a cheque for over £350 quite out of the blue.  Amongst our supporters we have a retired policeman who grows fruit, turns it into wonderful jams which he sells for our benefit.  I am always amazed at the surprises people give us….like yours for instance!!!  You may wonder why we need money all the time as we do charge our riders £10 per session.  We never earn enough on a Sunday to pay our way at Hopewell even though theyare very generous towards us.  We subsidize the cost of every lesson for all our riders, there are between 30 and 40 per week at £5 per time so that does mount up and we are constantly fund raising in many ways which also serves as PR fpr us.  For example last year we had a fund raising meal at Bella Napoli in Cross Hills which raised £1,000 and was enormous fun!  We had stands at Bolton Abbey Mince Pie Bazaar, Askwith Show, Broughton Game Fair, Collecting boxes at various places, collecting day at Booths and Stephen Smith’s Garden Centre and so on…enough to defitely prevent the grass from growong under our feet.  We sell Christmas cards and calendars and approach Charitable donors.  All in all RDA has taught me so much!!

We can’t thank you enough for your interest in what we do and your active generosity to us.  I so look forward to meeting you Bev and thank you so much for coming to see us on Sunday.

With best wishes to all at the Happiness Centre,


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Marie Jowett has now brought to the Happiness Centre this amazing Avalon Light Therapy and has arranged 2 separate days for you to come along and have a session to find out what it is all about.

The dates she has available are Fri 9th December  -9am-1.30pm and Weds 14th December 1pm – 6pm

Light Therapy has been shown in over 50 years of independent research worldwide to deliver powerful  therapeutic benefits to living tissues and organisms.  Both visible red, blue and infra-red light effect at least 24 positive changes at the cellular level.
Benefits it can bring:-
Reduces pain Reduces inflammation
Speeds up healing process
Relieves pain in nerves
Increased range of motion
Stress reduction
Increases circulation
Stimulates collagen
Promotes cell regeneration
Helps detoxify the body
Increased lymphatic drainage
Decreased tension
Increased venous dilation & flow.
Stimulates release &  production of ATP
Regular client:  £30
New client (to include consultation) £40.
Recommended 3 treatments within 7-10 days, depending on issue.
Discount for 6 treatments (paid in advance).
Contact Marie now to arrange your session with her

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Are you suffering from:-

tiredness,  headaches, insomnia, weight gain, depression,  anxiety, feeling bad tempered, palpitations, dizziness or just overwhelmed?

Is your thyroid, liver, heart and digestive system working at optimum levels?

Worried about cholesterol? Bone health?

Blood sugar levels?

Are you lacking Vitamins & Minerals? (E.g. is your Vitamin D level normal)?


Using non-invasive Quantum Magnetic Resonance analyzing, it is now possible, in a one off 30 minute session, to test whether your health is below par. Additional practical advice on the results to improve your well being will be given by Marie Jowett, an experienced Complementary Health practitioner who also specialises in BodyTalk & NAET (Allergy Testing and Elimination)

The Science

The human body is an aggregate of numerous cells, which continuously grow develop, split, regenerate and die. In the process of cellular split-up and renewal, the cells are moving and changing ceaselessly at a high speed emitting electromagnetic waves without interruption. The signals of electromagnetic waves emitted by human bodies represent the specific condition of human body. The QMA measures the weak magnetic frequency and energy of human body via a sensor, the reading is then amplified and converted by the instrument to compare with the standard quantum resonant spectrum of health, nutrition and other indicators incorporated in the instrument to show whether the sample waveforms are irregular using the Fourier approach.

In a couple of minutes the machine (which you just hold in your hand) gives a 20+ page summary of your health! From what vitamins you may be lacking to how good your heart is working.

Now of course the machine is still programmed by a human so it is still v=based on the “statistical norms”, which are not really a reflection of what is right for the individual. However, it is interesting to highlight or indicate the things which need to be looked at in a Body Talk session for example that neither the client or the practitioner knows are unbalanced.

Why not book in with Marie Jowett for your own test. Sessions will last 30 mins and cost £30. Telephone her on 07714721961 or email mariej@allergyescape.co.uk

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The lungs are greatly influenced in this energetic time of the season. A weakness in the lung meridian/Metal Element flow within our bodies may create imbalances manifested as asthma, allergies, sinus problems and/or bronchitis.

Sometimes, people with Metal Element and lung imbalances find themselves waking up at night especially at 3:00 a.m. or sometime within 30 minutes before or after 3:00 a.m. Our unresolved stress awakens us and disturbs our sleep patterns.
When there is a healthy balance of the Metal Element energy, the body can release stress, produce lung energy (Qi) through the breathing cycle, have healthy responses to life and distribute energy throughout the body.
BodyTalk has proven to be a safe and easy way to address the body in a truly holistic way, whether it be seasonal issues, recent stress, or long term imbalances of the body-mind.
As a result, clients enjoy overall improvements in:
  • quality rest
  • increased day time energy
  • reduced mental stress
  • healthier sleep patterns
  • improved breathing/immune issues
  • increased awareness of their environmental stress triggers

For more information contact Marie Jowett on 0771472161 or email her at mariej@allergyescape.co.uk

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Reiki Share

3rd Tuesday of every month

22nd November 2011, 20th December 2011

This is a Reiki share that is open to all like-minded students, practitioners and masters who wish to use their Reiki skills in an informal and comfortable environment.
The evening will start with introductions and a short meditation. After that the couches will be ready for us to get together and share all of the Reiki energies.
Everyone will have the opportunity to both give and receive Reiki, and we can all benefit from the sharing of ideas and techniques.
We aim to finish the evening by approximately 9.00pm.
Cost £10.00 each and includes light refreshments. From 7.30 pm after the evening meditation. Open to all who are Reiki attuned.

To register your interest or find out more information please contact either

Adele Doxey on 07972 190719,

Maggie Pashley on 07939 118136

or Peta Gelder on 07736 929614

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Why do a past life regression at all? People often have a vague feeling that they have lived before and can feel that they will find answers from accessing past lives. Think about the things you battle with in your everyday life, the patterns and emotions there hold clues and maybe linked to unresolved issues from the past.

It’s a fascinating journey. It’s interesting and can tell you a lot about yourself and your fascinations and natural talents. It is revealing of all sorts of answers to big questions. It’s amazing the things/stories and facts that are inside of you that you never knew. It reveals all sorts of answers to questions such as:

Have I lived before? Why do I have an unfathomable fear of certain things situations and people?Why am I here? What is the lesson I am meant to learn? Why do certain patterns keep coming up for me? Things begin to change, new perspectives are possible.

What happens in a typical session?

First there are two things you must accept for it to be successful:

(1)   There is a possibility that you have lived before

(2)   It’s possible to access the information

Firstly, you are taken through a sequence to relax mind and body. Next, is the regression journey itself to the past life.  Third is the story of the past life. Fourth the bringing back. Fifth gaining understanding and clarity and peace with the past life. Finally, a present and future life journey

Is it safe? Is it safe to sleep, dream, meditate or daydream? Yes? Then it’s safe to go into past life regression.

Is it scary? Not at all. Once you’ve had one you’ll realise it feels really pleasant.

Experiences vary but you may find (1)nothing happens, or (2) vague snapshots, (3)images and scenes start vague but become clearer, or (4) you may get a detailed scene, understanding and feelings, an observers view, or (5)you may get a full on as if you are there experience. Most people

Experience the 3 or 4 categories it is difficult to say for certain where it all comes from, my own experience seems to suggest that all 3 are possible, depending upon the person concerned and the state of mind before and during the regression experience. Sometimes it does seem like imagination;

Sign up for my past life e-course, email adele@coachinghuddersfield.co.uk

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CEASE Autism Therapy

Treating Autism and other Autism Spectrum Disorders with Homeopathy

The therapy was developed by Dutch Homeopath DR. Tinus Smits, who until his untimely death in early April 2010 had treated successfully over 300 autistic children. DR. Smits’ colleague, Dutch Homeopath Ton Jansen has added valuable information to this therapy from his own extensive experience in treating autistic children.

DR. Smits interest was sparked by his experiences with detoxifying children who all had in common the fact that the parents claimed that their child had never been well since they were vaccinated or had to take anti-biotics ( in some cases several courses of anti-biotics) he found that many behavioural problems significantly improved and even disappeared when the child was detoxified Homoeopathically , many of these children came to his practice for completely different reasons, mood swings, aggression, restlessness, attention deficit disorder (ADD) and (ADHD) to name a few.

The CEASE Therapy consists of systematic detoxification by tracking down and eliminating causative factors of illness such as: Vaccination, Medication and Environmental toxins using homeopathic preparations of the substances that caused the autism.

Clinical experience has shown that it works in almost all cases, except when there is brain damage. Note that no conventional randomised, controlled trials (RCTs) have been carried out to support this statement (in the same way as such RCTs have not been carried out for most of the treatment you get on the NHS).


1. Homeopathy and Isotherapy:  The detoxification of the various causative substances using homoeopathically prepared remedies made from these substances that possibly triggered the autism. These are usually administered twice weekly over the course of eight weeks, in increasing homeopathic potency. Courses may have to be repeated, and different substances may have to be detoxified.

Often in conjunction with the detox: The treatment with Classical Homeopathy (using a single remedy that can provoke resonance in the child and thus restore equilibrium) and Inspiring Homeopathy (a modern form of classical homeopathy developed by DR. Smits to treat universal human problems such as lack of self-confidence, guilt, old traumas, lack of grounding etc.) to treat the disturbances that are not directly linked to toxic substances.

2. Supplementation

The use of orthomolecular medicine (i.e. naturally occurring substances, particularly nutrients); is not essential but highly recommended as it speeds up healing; it involves the use of relatively high doses of vitamin C (both water and fat soluble), the supplemental administration of omega-3 fatty acids (fish oil with EPA and DHA) to help restore the integrity of the brain function, the administration of zinc and magnesium in conjunction with vitamin C to restore the copper/zinc ratio and to reactivate Metallothionein. Metallothionein is a protein that in its different forms is present in mouth, stomach, in large quantities in the intestines, and also in our brain; it is our first line of defence against heavy metals.

3. Dietary Advice

DR. Natasha Campbell-McBride has shown clearly with her GAPS therapy that a proper diet together with adequate supplementation can help autistic children a long way. The CEASE Therapy does, however, only include minimal dietary advice, as DR. Smits found that parents are already overwhelmed by the problems they are facing with an autistic child, and that excellent results can still be achieved. We advise the use of healthy, organic food without sugar and other additives

The use of the homeopathic remedy Saccharum officinale to restore the integrity of the intestines; it can help to reduce the insatiable appetite many autistic children have, restore lack of appetite and reduce sugar cravings.

I am a certified CEASE therapist (see http://www.tinussmits.com ) If you are interested in this therapy, phone me on 07545 508509 or email me to make an appointment for an initial 20-30 minutes free consultation.

I also recommend you to read DR. Tinus Smits book Autism beyond despair – CEASE Therapy. 2010, Emryss Publishers ISBN/EAN 978-90-76189-28-4. You can order it from http://www.minervabooks.co.uk or ask your local library to order it.

Quotes from parents:
In the 9 months of your treatment, our son changed from a non-verbal to a child that is able to attend a normal school, speaking in full sentences and making contact with everybody: Amazing! The Autism team says it’s a miracle. Your CEASE Therapy is great.  Our life has already completely changed!  – Mother of Stephan”

“After tree and half months of treatment she has become a different child. She has woken up, is able to express herself verbally and says what she feels instead of shrieking; she is more flexible, more open and more independent. It’s a world of difference – Mother of Dirkje”

The CEASE approach to treating autism “…stands out among many others for its clarity, simplicity, and, perhaps most importantly, its focus on cause. The fact that it costs a fraction of some other therapies is a bonus and makes it accessible to parents staggering under the cost of treating their autistic child”.
J.B. Handley, Co-Founder Generation Rescue – Jenny McCarthy’s autism organisation, in the foreword to DR. Tinus Smits’ Autism Beyond Despair – Cease Therapy – Homeopathy has the answers.

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Tammy is the Founder of this new healing modality (now recognised) using the healing frequency and connection with Archangel Metatron, Sacred Geometric coding and much more. 
It is brought to us now to assist us in our Awakening and as we move forward with the new frequencies coming to the Earth at this time. 
This takes the form of hands on healing. Healing codings, shapes, symbols are applied by Tammy and brought through to heal the Celestial 
Bodies, Lightbody, Aura, Chakras and energies within the Physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. It is not just healing for the physical body
But goes much deeper, realignment and reactivation occur, the Pineal Gland is reactivated and comes out of its slumber. We begin to awaken to our Soul’s light 
And our vibration is raised. Many are reporting that their physical pain/disharmonies/suffering is being removed and that they are going through great transitions
In many areas of their lives. Tammy works globally doing distant attunements, healing, readings and also in person healings at the Happiness Centre and in Chapel Allerton.
Please visit her website http://www.archangelmetatron.co.uk and the Archangel Metatron page on facebook for daily channellings, insight and guidance. Tammy is taking a trip to New York in April 2012 where she is teaming up with Robbie Mackenzie, a fellow Metatron Channeller and healer, to hold the Archangel Metatron The Awakening Tour workshop.
You can contact Tammy on 07711 524853. Tammy is also the Author of two new books, the first “Archangel Metatron – Be Open to Receive” and Archangel Metatron – Vibrational Healing Images” both 
Available from Amazon.com and amazon.co.uk or direct through Tammy’s site.

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