
Archive for April, 2013

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe Ikley Happiness Centre’s The theme for the month of April is Kindness and once again a crystal is suggested that may be of benefit. For this reason, Green Aventurine has been chosen as the crystal for the month of April.

What exactly is kindness and what makes one person kinder than another? And of course, which crystal is best suited to this theme.

Working with and carrying Green Aventurine opens up the heart chakra and unlocks a natural generous nature as it promotes empathy and compassion in those who wish to embrace its vibration and energy.

If we do not look after ourselves first and foremost we will soon start to feel less able to shower kindness on others, therefore we definitely need to nurture our own mind, body and spirit on a regular basis. When we learn to be kind to ourselves, over time it then becomes so much easier to naturally pass on this behaviour to others.

Kindness is when we give of ourselves without expecting anything in return. Have you ever sat back and thought about what impact your actions and words have on others and how you feel when we have shown someone an act of generosity and kindness? Does it make you feel better in yourself? Have you noticed that you then attract great acts of kindness in return from the ones that are around you in the most unexpected ways.

How could your life change if you were able to be mindful of yourself as well as others on a regular basis?

Carrying a piece of Green Aventurine, will help to open you up to making the sacrifice required to help someone else who is in greater need, highlighting opportunities where you will be able to offer your assistance before it has been requested.

Aventurine is a variety of quartz that can often contains bright particles of mica or hematite and is available in the different colours of peach, red, blue, green and brown.

When used in a healing environment it is particularly beneficial for warding off heart attacks and lowering cholesterol as well as balancing blood pressure. It is a very positive stone and brings about a stable state of mind and stimulates ones perception and creativity.

All crystal collections should include a piece of Green Aventurine as it very gently opens, clears and balances the heart chakra. A selection of pieces are available to purchase from the Centre at an affordable price. Try it and see what happens for you, you could be presently surprised.

If you would like to enjoy the benefits of a personal one to one crystal healing with our wonderful healer then please email Peta on healthful.healing@yahoo.co.uk or telephone 07736929614.

All of Peta’s healings come highly recommended, as they are beneficial, uplifting, rejuvenating and de-stressing









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