
Archive for March, 2011

 We had a lovely, rejuvenating and clearing time at Saturday’s Chanting and Meditation day, in the beautiful healing energy of the Happiness Centre’s meditation room. We enjoyed some incredibly powerful meditation on the breath mixed with elements of Journey therapy, allowing us to connect deeply at soul level. This was interspersed with periods of chanting the seed sound for each chakra. We also tried some walking meditation after a lovely shared lunch. Comments from those who came included: “A wonderful introduction to chanting”… “The meditations were amazing” … and “I went deeper than I’ve ever gone before…”

Louise is planning to run another Chanting and Meditation day in the near future, so let us know if you would be interested.

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Allergies & Hayfever

The summer is generally a time when we experience warmer weather and plenty of outdoor activities, but for over 20% of us, summertime means suffering!  The hay fever season can start any time soon and for hay fever sufferers this will mean the inevitable onset of a streaming nose and puffy red sore eyes. Hay fever can last from spring, right through summer to autumn depending upon what pollens, flowers, weeds and mould spores your immune system reacts to. When the body comes into contact with the allergens, cells in the lining of your nose, mouth and eyes release a chemical called histamine that triggers the systems 


  • Hayfever is the most common allergy affecting an estimated 20% of the population in Britain.
  • Cases of allergies are now rapidly increasing and are thought to affect as many as 1 in 3 people.
  • Most children with eczema have food allergies, according to data from double-blind research
  • Most people with inhalant allergies such as hayfever are also likely to have food allergies. In recent years, food allergies have become increasingly prevalent, in fact the health effects of allergies can be so far-reaching that many health practitioners now believe that food allergies are the leading cause of most undiagnosed symptoms.

Increasing numbers of people are finding that they are intolerant or allergic to things they eat, touch or breathe. Their reactions to these allergens can vary from mild discomfort, headaches, nausea or bloating, to a life threatening anaphylactic shock.

The lucky ones have isolated the specific allergen and are avoiding it, but for the unlucky, the allergen cannot be avoided or remains undiagnosed, resulting in chronic ailments,  As the body ages and suffers longer it will lower its strength and immunity and so become vulnerable to more ailments.

HAYFEVER or seasonal allergic rhinitis, is an immune reaction to allergens such as dust, pollen, pet dander or mould. It can be seasonal or perennial. It usually results in inflammation of the nasal mucous membranes and symptoms include sneezing, watery eyes, and an itching dripping nose. Many hayfever sufferers have found symptom relief by switching to a diet low in wheat and sugar.


This unique method can help eliminate allergy symptoms and alleviate allergies. No-one fully understands how allergies and intolerances happen.  The western view is that they are the result of an overactive immune system. NAET views them from an eastern viewpoint and sees allergies as an inappropriate response causing energetic imbalances, which lead to energy blockages in the body. causing symptoms relating to whichever meridians and organs are affected.

Many people take vitamins and minerals in the hope of feeling healthier, not realising that their bodies may be actively intolerant.  This is a waste of time and money, and it makes sense to see if your body is intolerant.

The NAET treatment “re-programmes” your brain to perfect health to enable you to live your life free from allergies and ailments arising from allergies.

Thousands of patients have been treated with amazing permanent results.  Full details about the treatment and case histories can be found in Dr Nambudripad’s book ‘Say Goodbye to Illness”

For more information on NAET visit

www.naet.com or  www.naet-europe.com

Marie is dedicated to helping people remove the blocks which are stopping them leading a full, rewarding and healthy life.

Please don’t give up on having good health until you talk to her. She has many skills and tools, which can help you resolve the problems and pain in your life, so that you can feel energised, happy and healthy on an ongoing basis.

Now is the time to deal with your allergies before the Hayfever season starts!

Marie Jowett Dip AET, CPB                     www.allergyescape.co.uk                            mariej@allergyescape.co.uk

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Shamanic Trip of Self Discovery in Peru. Cusco, Sacred Valley and Machu Picchu May 10th – 23rd 2011   Additional Amazon Jungle Trip May 23rd – 27th  www.lucidinsight.com

The warm Peruvian people, breathtaking mountain views and ancient ruins are enough reasons to visit Peru, but if you really want a life changing experience you’ll travel with Shannon and explore stunning sacred sites with transformational energy and experience authentic shamanic ceremonies to help you find inner peace and reconnect with the beautiful mother earth.  In one of the many Inca communities we will spend a day providing children who walk 2 – 3 hours to school each day with new school supplies, shoes, hot chocolate and bread.  Ten percent of your trip costs go towards charities and social enterprise projects which Lucid Insight supports.  This is one of the most fulfilling days of giving back, and a great opportunity to communicate with and photograph the local people.

Peru is a magical place with beautiful, pure love energy and it simply changes people just by being there.  “Something” happens.  This is a perfect opportunity to bring a journal so you can record your new thoughts and feelings and take notes on all the incredible information you will be learning.  The time to change is now.  I look forward to travelling with all of you.   Please contact Shannon@lucidinsight.com for more information or ring Shannon at 07944882482

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On Saturday July 9th 2011, at the Happiness Centre, Ilkley, you are invited to the first of a series of wonderful new events … A Sacred Sound and Healing Retreat Day – in a program with venues including Retreat Centres in Catalonia and Co. Galway Eire, Covent Garden and Cornwall.  

This day retreat offers time out for yourself to come into relationship with your inner core. To let all things arise in a beautifully supportive environment of equals, coming together in body, mind, and spirit, to share ancient practices of sound, music, poetry, astrological and emotional insight.

For thousands of years the healing qualities of sound have been known. The Chinese Qi Gong Six Healing Sounds (Qi =life force, Gong = cultivation of), combined with gentle meditative movement; Native American drumming and chanting; Sufi and Shiva traditions; the exhilaration of Greek folk music…we will draw on many forms from Bach to The Beatles and far beyond to all shores.

Kath Reade will sing her songs which touch the listener deeply and open the heart. You can join in, as live music creates a special community.

Maggie Pashley will share her profound healing skills, honed over many years, and

 Michael Conneely will create a wonderful cloud of visionary poetry for you to rest in. His vast astrological wisdom will be a valuable resource for the day – and for your life.

To experience this retreat will be to give yourself a much deserved gift, to nurture your soul, in a coming together of equal spiritual beings with unlimited potential, -no gurus, no ideologies, or ‘isms’.  Just helping each other to ‘be’. To discover freedom and joy within. So we can say -May all beings live in peace -may all beings live in harmony -may all beings live in peace and harmony.

Join us -you are welcome….

Kath Reade is a gifted singer/songwriter/guitarist who regularly performs gigs in live venues, on radio, and can be heard on youtube with her latest song  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OjsBa0GufH8

Her songs have won songwriting awards and been recorded by other performers.

She has a rich life experience. From witnessing, at an early age, her mother being abused, she went on to become a social worker in the toughest part of Manchester, and for many decades devoted her life to championing the underdog. She was a peace activist at Greenham Common, anti-apartheid campaigner, and a community worker in the deprived communities of Burnley where she lives.. She became the first (only) woman Leader of Burnley Council in the 1990s. She held senior leadership roles in public life, being a founder board member of the North West Development Agency, Chair of the North West Health Partnership, and Local Government Association adviser to  Home office Ministers on Community Safety. Kath has spoken to many international conferences on health, regeneration, anti-poverty and leadership.

She has just left her job as Chair of an NHS Trust to exclusively concentrate her energies on spiritual and musical pursuits.

Professionally, Kath has an MA in History and Politics, B.Sc (Hons) Social Sciences, PGCE teaching qualification, Certificate in Counselling Skills, and has trained as a Reiki healer. Her occupation was lecturer in Social Care in Further and Higher Education.

TESTIMONIALS: (see also www.kathreade.co.uk )

 “There is something so heavenly-earthly about Kath” -Michael Homfray-Davies

 “Kath’s songs and her singing make my knees melt!” – Jennie Kiff -Swansongs Acoustic, Addingham

“in the same way most people love chocolate, most people will love Kath’s voice.” -Tykes News -review of CD ‘Passionate Nature’ 

“Kath is a songbird.” -Stirrings Magazine review of CD ‘Kingfisher Blue’

“Kath has the voice of authentic leadership -she speaks the truth and changes things forever..” Richard Olivier (son of Laurence Olivier) -Leadership mentor.

 Contact Kath on 07881 646353 or through her website www.kathreade.co.uk  , or e mail rorimountain@hotmail.co.uk

This not to be missed event is on Saturday July 9th 10 am to 8 pm (the evening is optional) at the Happiness Centre, 32a Leeds Road, ILKLEY, LS29 8DS
Price £50 (Pay on Booking). Bring food to share

Bookings to Michael Conneely. You can make payment with PayPal via the Prices Page on his web site: www.starwheel.co.uk

For Enquiries or more details, contact:

Kath Reade
Tel: 07881-646-353
Email: rorimountain@hotmail.co.uk
Website www.kathreade.com
Myspace www.myspace.com/kathreade

Maggie Pashley
Tel: 079-391-18136
Email: maggie@changeforlife.co.uk
Website – www.changeforlife.co.uk

Michael Conneely
Tel: 077 – 992 – 96821
Email: Michael@starwheel.co.uk
Website www.starwheel.co.uk

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