
Archive for December, 2010

There will be an Eclipse of the Sun on 4th January 2011. The Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth. This up-coming 4th January Eclipse of the Sun will be at 9.02 am with a UK magnitude of 0.75. In the zodiac of western astrology the Eclipse will be at 13 deg Capricorn (in the Vedic zodiac this is 18 deg Sagittarius).

This follows the recent Eclipse of the Moon that was on the day of the Solstice: 21st December 2010, when the Earth passed between the Sun and the Moon. This eclipse was special because fierce signs were involved and it was very closely connected to the Sun’s position when it changes direction at the Galactic centre that marks the end of the Mayan calendar in 2012.  See my Blog: http://starwheel.wordpress.com/2010/12/20/lunar-eclipse-on-the-day-of-the-winter-solstice-21st-december-2010-difficult-energies-have-now-been-gathering/

How do these two eclipses affect us?

The December eclipse: Well, during the Eclipse of the Moon that occurred on the day of the Solstice, some signs did a lot better than others. For example Venus was strong at that time so if you have an emphasis in Venus-ruled signs in your birth chart, you would have been protected, unless, of course, you had a planet in your birth chart which was conjunct or ‘cut off’ by the Moon or the Sun at the time of the eclipse – in which case the affairs of that planet might have been devastated.

The January eclipse: Similarly, if you have planets around or opposite the January 4th eclipse of the Sun you could be in for challenge.

Put simply, the more important rules are as follows:

FIRST: Does your birth chart have planets in signs of the zodiac affected by the eclipse?

SECOND: What are the affairs of your affected planet: for example if the planet signifies children, you could lose contact with a child. One of Jupiter’s significations is 5th House children and creativity. The Sun signifies the Father; the Moon signifies the Mother. There is a long list in Vedic astrology.

THIRD: It depends on what type of Sign the eclipse occurs in. If a solar eclipse falls in Fixed signs it effects are felt over years in human lives; if it falls in Cardinal signs the effects are over more quickly, and if it occurs in Mutable signs, the effects are felt immediately and continue on and off for some months. Both the December and the January eclipses are in mutable signs (using the Vedic zodiac), SO the effects are felt immediately and continue on and off for some months.

FOURTH: The longer the eclipse darkness lasts, the longer the effect of the eclipse will be felt in human lives.

FIFTH: if the eclipse falls in Fixed or Cardinal signs, its effect may wait for a planet to transit the eclipse point several months later for the effect to be felt in the human life.

SIXTH: if the eclipse falls conjunct (or opposition) your Sun, Moon, North or South Node (Rahu or Ketu), Saturn or Mars, its effects will be malefic. If it falls conjunct your Jupiter or Venus the effects can be favourable (it depends on the status of Venus or Jupiter in your chart).

SEVENTH: If the eclipse is associated with the North node Rahu (like the one on January 4th) its effects will be more malefic than if it is associate with the south Node (Ketu).

EIGHTH: If the eclipse falls on your Ascendant, you are in for trouble.

NINTH: there are rules governing the effects of an eclipse depending on which House in your birth chart the eclipse falls.

Of course, all these challenging and sad affairs have a deeper spiritual meaning for us. Vedic astrology is a tantric spirituality: adverse circumstances, indeed all circumstances, are inherently connective to the Divine. If we can only understand them rightly, they call us to become who we were born to be.

Here is a globe showing the January 4th Eclipse path:

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 ‘I was doing a healing session with a woman who had problems voicing her needs in her relationship.

It had really helped her to have it clearly and precisely revealed from a Vedic Astrology Relationship Compatibility Evaluation, that her husband had more ‘assertive pressure’ than she did – and that it would be useful for both of them to be aware of that.

Of course, you can say she already knew this, but because she wasn’t naturally the more confident one in the relationship, she could doubt that.

It was also really useful for her to have something she could take back to her husband to make him aware that sometimes he would come over too powerfully, and that could be detrimental to the harmony in the relationship.

People who want to nurture their relationship can find it reassuring that making a few simple adjustments will improve their lives. They can find this clarity and sureness of declaration very  useful.

We tend to think we are simply the way we are and act from that place, even if it’s counterproductive.

Also, I think the Vedic Astrology Ashta Kuta system is very good at clearly and simply both highlighting the strengths within a relationship and pin-pointing ways of building on those strengths.

Any one of the Vedic compatibility pointers can really help shed light on how to improve a relationship.’

– a reaction by Maggie Pashley to use of Vedic Love Astrology in healing

 ‘Assertive Pressure’ is where one of the people in a relationship is a lot more assertive than the other. Perhaps they are argumentative or keep ‘blowing up the home’ or even bullying.

Assertive Pressure is called ‘Kuja Dosha’ in Sanskrit. It’s Mars problems and is one of the factors used in Vedic Love Astrology – the ancient, powerful and sure evaluation of a relationship: 

Mars is a malefic. Its energy is good for getting things done but can be abrasive, harmful or destructive in relationship issues. This evaluation facet warns if one partner is far more assertive than the other (this is a major thing that went wrong in the relationship of Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes – see separate up-coming Blog on Sylvia, Ted and their relationship). If Kuja Dosha applies, it will damage the houses of marriage, family life, the home environment, the marital tie and/or sexual pleasure. 

What is Vedic Love astrology? – see the Starwheel Blog : http://starwheel.wordpress.com/2010/12/30/what-is-vedic-love-astrology/

Michael offers Relationship and other Astrology Reports with care and expertise. And for the full range of Starwheel Workshops see www.starwheel.co.uk

There are also two Starwheel Love and Relationship Workshops:

Open Your Heart to Love – Love Astrology for Singles or Solo attenders on Saturday 29th January 2011, 10am to 4.30pm:

Journey to the Loving Heart of Your Relationship – Love Astrology for Couples on Saturday February 12th 2011, 10am to 4.30pm:

All Starwheel Workshops are at The Happiness Centre in Ilkley. Starwheel workshops are a unique combination of insight offered from astrology plus the demonstration of powerful and fast-acting depth healing techniques. It is necessary to pre-book so that we can fully study and prepare your astrology. You could not take a more positive course of action.

The healing techniques used by Maggie Pashley include Emotion Code clearing of Heart Walls and E.F.T as well as magical vision empowerment techniques. Strength is offered from the group support. Please see the relevant web pages on www.starwheel.co.uk where you can also book on line.)

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Simple, yet very profound

Vedic Love Astrology measures to what extent certain key love factors will be present in a relationship. It’s genuinely profound and sure ancient wisdom. 

At its simplest it measures Respect, Wavelength 98 facets), Detriments, Beneficial Supplements and Mars Problems:

Here is the system:

A. FIRST THERE’S THE ISSUE OF RESPECT – Will the couple be inclined to respect each other? This is crucial (Strii Diirgha).

B. THEN THERE’S THE ISSUE OF WAVELENGTH – Will the couple be on the same wavelength? The eight facets of  wavelength are scored out of a total possible <36 points. They are:

1. Mutation: Positive Change – Will the couple will gravitate towards positive improvement? (Varna, <1 point).

2. Magnetic Attraction – Will the couple will innately give to each other? (Vasya, <2 points: 1 point if the man is magnetically attracted to the woman; 2 points if it’s both ways)

3. Comfort – Will the man’s presence will be felt as more comfortable or threatening to the woman? (Tara or Dina, ❤ points)

4. Instinctive Compatibility – The better the Yonis (sexual compatibility) between the couple the better they can act together and bond. The system assesses whether the couple will be friendly, neutral, unfriendly, or inimical to each other (Yoni, <4 points)

5. Friendliness –  It’s so important to be friends – or are you neutral or even inimical towards each other? (Graha Maitram, <5 points)

6. Temperament – Is there affinity between the two people’s temperaments? (Gana, <6 points)

7. Constructivism – Can couple can create well together and be constructive together? Favorable scores predict prosperity and happiness; lowest scores can bring loss, ruin, quarreling and separation or loss of progeny (Bha, <7 points)

8. Excess – I there excess of Kapha, Pitta or Vata in the relationship: there should be balance (Nadi or ‘Humour’, <8 points)

Total Ashta Kuta Score: up to 36 points


1. Obstruction –– will there be excessive obstructions that prevent your lives from completely coming together? (Veda)

2. Misfortune – will the couple be ‘roped to’ misfortune or not, and will unexpected troubles arise between them? This system is also used to establish how compatible the energies of each partner’s chakras are with each other (Rajju)


1. Shared Sense of Purpose – is there the needed ‘shared sense of purpose’? It is best if there is unity of soul purpose (Mahendra)

2. Magnetic Attraction – Is there magnetic attraction between the couple. If the magnetic attraction is one-way, this can be an horrifically dangerous ‘Fatal Attraction’.  


Mars is a malefic. Its energy is good for getting things done but can be abrasive, harmful or destructive in relationship issues. This evaluation facet warns if one partner is far more assertive than the other (this is a major thing that went wrong in the relationship of Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes – see separate up-coming Blogs on Sylvia, Ted and their relationship). If Kuja Dosha applies, it will damage the houses of marriage, family life, the home environment, the marital tie and/or sexual pleasure.

Michael offers Relationship and other Astrology Reports with care and expertise. And for the full list of the Starwheel Workshops see www.starwheel.co.uk




There are also two Starwheel Love and Relationship Workshops:

Open Your Heart to Love – Love Astrology for Singles or Solo attenders on Saturday 29th January 2011, 10am to 4.30pm:

Journey to the Loving Heart of Your Relationship – Love Astrology for Couples on Saturday February 12th 2011, 10am to 4.30pm:

All Starwheel Workshops are at The Happiness Centre in Ilkley. Starwheel workshops are a unique combination of insight offered from astrology plus the demonstration of powerful and fast-acting depth healing techniques. You could not take a more positive course of action.

The healing techniques used by Maggie Pashley include Emotion Code clearing of Heart Walls and EFT as well as magical vision empowerment techniques. Strength is offered from the group support.

It is necessary to pre-book so that we can fully study and prepare your astrology. Please see the relevant web pages on www.starwheel.co.uk where you can also book on line.) 


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Charlotte Willoughby the Happiness Centre Psychotherapist and Michael Conneely, the Happiness Centre Astrologer will be holding a ‘Come Into Your Power’ Psychosynthesis Workshop on Sunday 15th May 2011.

This is a unique and magically empowering workshop. It allows you to discover and understand the different parts of your personality and it empowers you to handle them with awareness and success in your future life. It is holistic, but it also develops your powers of self-analysis to enable self-realisation and wholeness. It is essentially practical.  

Often there are very different parts to our personality. Sometimes we only feel comfortable with some of the parts and don’t know how to embrace the others. We can’t handle them. Sometimes other people can be very confused or upset when we switch from one part of ourselves to the other.

In the ‘Come Into Your Power’ Psychosynthesis Workshop you develop a clear idea of some of the different parts of you. You are aided in this by a study of your astrological natal chart which will have been prepared before hand. You make your steps of growth to power by role-play, connection to magical vision, group support and coaching. You do not need to know any astrology to benefit from this workshop.

Let us share with you two very simple examples of how our personalities can have splits, which leave us confused and disempowered and which create misunderstandings with others (Charts by Megastar). You do not need any astrological knowledge to attend this workshop. A Key to the astrological glyphs used in these charts is at the bottom of the page.

In this first birth chart, the man has a sub-personality which is mystical and visionary. Sometimes it could take over; at other times he will be cut off from it: this is the green line aspect linking Venus and Neptune which is completely cut of from making any connection to the rest of his chart, and is cut off from his Centre by the red line aspect of Saturn square Mars: he will spend so much time working hard and pinning down detail, that he will usually live his life cut off from his guiding vision.

In this second chart, the woman’s Saturn is completely cut off from the rest of her chart and her ascendant or rising sign is very different from the qualities of her Sun or her Moon. She could be very restricted or feel imprisoned at times. She could seem a different person each time you met her. She might feel a bit baffled how to relate.

The ‘Come Into Your Power’ Psychosynthesis Workshop enables you to accurately identify the different parts of yourself. By role-play you get to know the different parts and see how they relate (or don’t relate!) to the other parts. You develop a magical vision for how you want to pull all the different parts of you onto your future life path.

Let this workshop start you off on an inner journey of purpose and creative will. Get to know the shadow parts of yourself and tap into their power. Develop an idea of your spiritual purpose and journey and how to use the different parts of you to realise your spiritual purpose. 


Receive accurate astrological insight. Benefit from group support. Transform through coaching and therapies. Use role-play to get to know the different parts of you. Befriend the Shadow. Envision your spiritual purpose.

Follow up face-to-face and distance counselling sessions are available if required (not included in workshop fee). 


Receive accurate astrological insight. Benefit from group support. Transform through counselling and role-play. Do vision work to identify your spiritual purpose. Understand it. Experience it. Unravel it. Heal and become whole and empowered now.


Astrological training, In depth knowledge and understanding of yourself and your life path. Vision, magical empowerment, Coaching and Counselling.  


A deep understanding of your self. A clearer picture of your life-goals. What to do to heal and become whole. A clear “how to’ plan, A clearer identification of your own magical destiny, A clear plan on how to best implement it for yourself and others, Deeper astrological knowledge. Counselling.

Course Date: Sunday 15th  May 2011 – to be notified

Course Times:  10am to 4pm

Course Venue: Happiness Centre, 32a Leeds Road, ILKLEY, LS29 8DS

Course Price: £65

Number of Placements Available:  12

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If you’ve been hurt or let down in the past then you have probably developed a way of protecting yourself from future hurts. This is what Bradley Nelson, developer of the Emotion Code, describes as a Heart Wall.  And while its original aim was positive – to protect you from future hurts – it also keeps the good stuff out too. It acts as a barrier to love and abundance and to being who you really are.  The Emotion Code offers a very simple and profound way of reclaiming your ability to love and be loved by clearing this Heart Wall.

You might feel that you have a habit of picking the ‘wrong’ partner or maybe you want to find love but have become so cynical or defended that you are literally sending out a ‘hands-off’ signal to any prospective partner. You might even be cut off from yourself and be numbed to your own creativity and passion. You might even be very aware of this but haven’t a clue how to change the way you feel.

To change the way you feel and react you have to make those changes on a deep body-mind level as some of those upsetting incidents are going to have been completely forgotten by our conscious mind or trivialised as too insignificant. What we forget is it how we interpret that event from the level of maturity and the resources we had at the time. So a baby can be upset by other people’s energy but have no way of really understanding what’s  going or being able to sort it out.

And that is the magic of  Emotion Code. In an Emotion Code session I use muscle-testing to dialogue directly with your body and its amazing ability to remember everything that every happened to you.  And keeping an open mind and we might be surprised at what comes up. Too often we make assumptions about what is really behind our current dilemmas and these assumptions can keep us stuck and act as red herrings to a deeper truth.

I’ve worked with people and cleared trapped emotions right back to the time in the womb – something that they had no conscious recollection of. But it made complete sense to them and most importantly they felt lighter and freer as a result of the clearing.

What I love about this way of working is that it’s simple and clean, to the point and doesn’t make a meal out of your past trauma. You are led to the information you need to bring this trapped emotion into your awareness and then clear it very easily and matter of factly. It feels like debugging a computer (but with a bit more compassion!!) .  And the result: you feel happier,  more open, creative, free to be yourself and open to love.

Trapped emotions make us view our present through the lens of past hurts. They can make us misinterpret behaviour, make faulty assumptions, have low expectations, or feel helpless and powerless. When we release them we have more energy and vitality and energy to live our life, open to all the potential we have HERE RIGHT NOW.

Maggie Pashley works at the Happiness Centre in Ilkley and also is available for distance sessions both on individuals and animals.  She co-facilitates workshops on Astrology & Healing with her partner, Michael Conneely, where she demonstrates mind-body healing. Contact her on 01274 617030 or 07939118136. She has completed Emotion Code training with Bradley Nelson.

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Get a full astrology reading from Michael Conneely: Birth Chart, Prediction, Relationship Evaluation, Understand Your Child… See the exciting range of Starwheel Workshops with Michael Conneely and Maggie Pashley – a unique combination of astrology-based insight with fast depth healing techniques at www.starwheel.co.uk.

 On the day of the Winter Solstice, the shortest day, the Sun moves into the sign of Capricorn.

Capricorn is a Cardinal Earth sign. Ruling Planet: Saturn, The Reaper.  

Of course, remember your Sun sign is not the whole of you. There are the Ascendant (rising sign) and other planets that need to be understood and taken into account as well – and in Vedic Astrology, it is the Moon sign that is given preeminence. The Sun is our egoic self; our ‘business self’ if you like. The Moon is our emotional base. The Ascendant is how we normally project into the world.

Capricorn key words:-

Capricorns are cautious, mistrustful, shy, reserved, private, insecure, prudent, serious, thoughtful, reliable, practical, down-to-earth, ambitious, status-seeking, reserved, sensuous, persistent, hard-working, prudent, economical, a concentrated powerful will, plodding, materialistic, shrewd, patient, suspicious, calculating, subtle, serious (if ironic), sensitive.

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn which is the Reaper. Ideally what they will reap will be the golden harvest, but if their ambition expresses wrongly, it can be a grim reaper for at least some in their circle.

In its ultimate sense, what Capricorns seek is mastery: mastery to manipulate and order the stuff of the world: a kind of magician, a seeker after mysteries.

Appearance: depends on other planets and the Ascendant, of course, but: small, slim or bony frame, Thin fine hair, usually dark. Retain youthful appearance into old age. Serious expression 

Capricorns have a persistent feeling they must develop something: they feel they must have some accomplishment to point to – property to look after, obligations to fulfil, &c. They seek a personal dignity this way. 

They often have to carry responsibility, or experience hardship too early in life

They have excellent intuition which they use in their struggle to achieve personal independence and economic security. They love law and order. Everything has to be sensible. They usually consider all options before they act decisively.

They are steady and sure-footed and the quality of TIME is something that features large in their life: they understand he need to wait. They know it takes time to prepare the ground, plant and gather the Harvest. They can stay in a relationship when they have privately decided they will leave it, and they may have even fixed the day that will be best for them to leave! No time is wasted by a Capricorn – there’s no space for useless play or leisure. And of course, as a worst case scenario:  Saturn (the Greek Cronos) devoured his children).

Survival is their goal: they are more attuned to what might go wrong than what might go right. Nothing is taken for granted, least of all luck!

Capricorns’ actions are economically defined in order to achieve the goals they have selected. They are efficient organizers. Capricorns are never deterred by things that stand in their way. Their extreme capability for hard work is linked with their notion that success means material security, and they will work and plan for it. They feel that the world ought to give them something in return for the effort they put in. Capricorns have great faith in their own power. They are worldly and careful. Asking no mercy from anyone, they drive a hard, but often not unjust bargain. To them, the whole of life is a kind of deal.

They are extremely apt at finding solutions to the most difficult problems and they are very successful trouble-shooters. They are neat and methodical in their work and tend to be slave-drivers. They feel the household should be managed with precision, with everything in working order.

Capricorns are excellent executives and remain in subordinate roles for a short time only. They may appear as meek as lambs, and play the humble servant (for an ulterior motive), but they would jump to take the bosses’ place at the snapping of a finger, if the opportunity arises. Their gifts lie in organization and control: they aim to leave the world a bit better-organized than when they found it. Yet, they hate to delegate responsibility. This can minimize their achievement. They can be ruthless, but it is at its best the ruthlessness of the necessary, rather than from wanton malice or cruelty.

Capricorns want to be pillars of society. They pay great attention to things like good credentials and acceptable training. They are sensitive to the values and opinions of the world. The right clothes are important – never flashy, always good quality, the right neighbourhood is important. The right schools for children, the right social image. They find it hard to relinquish control, and must hold the reins. They are terrified of what might open up if they lose control (and therefore rule out everything that is fiery, exciting, mystical, awesome or wonderful). They can crush themselves and others by ‘What will people think??’

Capricorns never voluntarily take a step backwards: they move up by alternating security and ambition as their goals. They desire money. They fear being dependent on others when they are old – and Capricorns, in general, are long-lived. They are old when they are young, and young when they are old. As a child Capricorns may have difficulties with health. Their need for security can make them stingy and at times greedy. They tend to be melancholic and lonely. They can feel pushed into the attitude that the world is a place where it is everyone out for themselves. They want very much to be appreciated. 

They are likely to have the gift of a lucid or direct writing style.

They are not particularly physically or emotionally demonstrative, which can leave their partners feeling rejected hurt and misunderstood, and cause breakdown of sexual relationships.

But they are compassionate – although they find it hard to display sympathy openly. They prefer to serve others by action or some sort of physical support, rather than by emotional support, because they are less comfortable with that part of their nature. 

They are normally on their guard with people until they have known them for a long time – and they lose out in spontaneity and range of encounters, thereby, and they can therefore actually kill more ardent and romantic souls. Their withdrawal from social contact can lay them open to being very misunderstood. 

They tend to judge others. They periodically suffer swings of mood, ranging between extremes of optimism and pessimism – and find it difficult to always maintain faith in Life. They will have periods of black depression, as a result of their Saturnian attitudes. 

They believe they know best, which leads to conflicts both at home, love and work.

They look for reliability and loyalty in a partner, preferring stolid family routines. Family commitments are taken very seriously

Capricorns need to open their thinking to higher things, to philosophies, to abstract thinking, to the occult, as their mind-set can be destructively nihilist or over-pragmatic, narrow-minded, analytic or prosaic – and they are blinded and blinkered by their specific defined ambitions. It is as if they are conditioned to believe they will never have the freedom to pursue love or mystery. A reflective, deeply introverted soul – YET they are drawn to the occult. They seek to learn the energies which govern life.

As they age, and once they have ‘accomplished something’, Capricorns will settle back and develop the deeper more profound side of their nature. Indeed, their lives often divide into two halves: the first half is the restrictive or burdensome childhood. The Capricorn goat is frustrated or thwarted by his tasks, responsibilities and hardship (inner or outer); Capricorns often enter a voluntary bondage in their youth: working at a job they dislike, embroiling themselves in a restrictive marriage, or some psychological hair shirt – but eventually they release themselves from this self-imposed imprisonment: ambition will have been breeding in them an immense will. They don’t show their true colours till thirty or later. 


Capricorn is ruled by Saturn: this indicates big parental issues to resolve. Capricorn is very much about ‘the sins of the father’.

The glyph of Capricorn is the goat. The goat’s leg is crooked in upward climb: ambition; control and ascent. The goat, symbol of licence and lust, is controlled. The Babylonian astrological glyph for Capricorn shows a sort of water goat: a goat ambitiously arising out of the waters of the unconscious. 

The Winter Solstice is in Capricorn. At the winter solstice, the new Sun is born. The Winter Solstice is the point where return starts after the Sun’s descent into the Underworld. In the journey of individual consciousness, it is the point of greatest contact with the Universal Consciousness. Collective wisdom has been assimilated. The individual begins a symbolic return as a transformed being. The Redeemer is born.


The End justifies the Means

Fanaticism  –  The Great Mission!

The Tyrant

Acting like Yahweh – authoritarian and dour: punishing. Grim. Baleful. No room for dissenters. Stern moral views and social codes. The interfering/improving friend.

Manipulates others to get them to go along with his plans.

Capricorns are so convinced they are born to be busy being realistic, that they deny their sensitivity, imagination, vision, psychism and spirituality.


Relationships aren’t easy for Capricorns. Control is too important for them. They hate letting go of solid protection. There is always that last special place they refuse to share in a love-relationship, killing love thereby. They are loners. They have ferocious pride, and their fear of being weak cuts them off. They won’t allow romanticism a part in their decision-making. All too often, they marry for money or security – they rarely throw away all for love. But they can develop a deep fondness and respect for their partner.

Most Capricorns marry early – this is because they are either looking for fathers (or mothers) or are trying to play the parent.

They place deep value on respect, loyalty and the power of the family bond. The sexual drive can be strong, and the physical nature basic, but Capricorns don’t trust their passions or they repress their passions. They can’t express their affections in a relaxed way. The irresponsible and the playful is often totally alien to them. They destroy or repress spontaneity. They repress all sorts of fantasies and spiritual ideals under the realistic/pragmatic surface. They shy at accessing their own emotional depths – until the dam occasionally cracks and all may be engulfed or destroyed. 

Capricorns try to take charge.

They either act the parent or become the child looking for the parent, in a relationship: then all goes sour.

Capricorn needs to be thawed by the gift of love!

For the Capricorn lover, especially, life begins at thirty or forty.


Capricorn men can look for paternal qualities in a woman, then either sit back and let her ‘wear the trousers’ (especially if badly hurt in childhood) or rebel against her (because of unresolved rebellion against a parent).

Social or career ambitions may well be put before love. This can mean sexual affairs without commitment.


Typically, she is subtle, sensitive and perceptive. She’d rather use diplomacy than argue aggressively. They can tend to use people and have a cynical streak, calculating others’ worth. They can play the unseen power behind the throne in various situations.  They need to manage something. If thwarted, she may over-manage the lives of her children. Some live out their ambition through their man. If they do follow their own career ambitions, their feelings about themselves as women may suffer. The important thing is that, negatively, Capricorn women are famed for letting love and passion atrophy and die. Positively, they reap rewards of hard work in harmony with the need for love and family.

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I have at last written my Blog which I hope will be a useful spiritual offering to those who have had to deal with the growing difficult energies culminating in this Eclipse. Some signs are more challenged than others and help is around from Venus and Jupiter, but some people’s experiences will nevertheless be hard. Contact Michael for Birth Charts, Prediction, Relationship Evaluations and Understand Your Child Reports. See also Maggie Pashley and Michael Conneely’s Starwheel Workshops. These include Astrology Workshops and the Life Stage Workshops. They are a unique combination of astrology-based insight and rapid depth healing techniques:  See: www.starwheel.co.uk  email: Michael@starwheel.co.uk     Tel: 077-992-96821.

I have been trying to write a ‘warning’ about the very difficult energies that have been gathering in the heavens throughout this month as we head to the Eclipse of the Moon that takes place on December 21st at 08.13 hrs.

By extremely rare coincidence, this is also the day of the Winter Solstice which occurs at 23.30 hrs. A particularly violent and heart-rending pile up of energies has been building through December.

However, not having been well and having my own slice of the challenging energies to deal with over the last few days, means that I now write on the very eve of the Eclipse.

But I still feel it is worth writing because I know a lot of people have had difficult life-changing events, and this Blog may hopefully serve to offer healing and insight, understanding and possibilities of growth. 

Some signs will be affected more that others. The energies that have been building remorselessly this month are in the Vedic sign Sagittarius (they are on the Sagittarius-Capricorn boundary in western astrology).

In Vedic Sagittarius, a truly awesome and exceptional combination of raw power has been growing: Pluto, Mars and Rahu the North Node of the Moon have all been moving into conjunction.

Mercury is with them, and to make thinking and communication (and postal matters) more complicated, Mercury is Retrograde, with backward motion, most of December.

And now the Sun joins the pile-up and moves into opposition to the Moon which joins Ketu the South Node opposite the Sun in Vedic sign of Gemini. It is therefore an eclipsed Full Moon.

The Nodes of the Moon are seen as demons in ancient cultures. They are the eclipse points: demons so powerful they can devour the Sun or the Moon at an eclipse.

Rahu, the North Node of the Moon is the demon where we will put our obsessional ambition in Vedic Astrology.

Ketu, the South Node of the Moon, is the demon who dissolves things in our live.

But because Vedic astrology is a tantric spirituality, all things are inherently connective to the divine, even very harsh energies such as can be described by Rahu and Ketu.

These energies are hugely powerful. They include a terrorist-type dimension and also social uprising like the student demonstrations and the attack on Camilla, Prince Charles’ wife.

If these sorts of energies have entered your life, they can obviously be sad, destructive or confusing, but the reason I am writing this Blog is that I what to say that, hard as it is to do it when we are suffering and upset, there is a divine message about our life to be found. This force and destruction is not there for no reason. It might mean that we have to stand up and make the confrontation that saves a marriage. It might mean that we have to accept the death of a relationship that would be bad for us to continue with in its present form. Something was wrong. It had to die. It might mean that we ran out of money: but perhaps there is an overdue need for us to sort out our finances and re-structure them! These energies are hard for humans to wield or deal with. Perhaps only Gods can master them ethically and cleanly. But sad and hard though it is, we do need to try to find the big picture and find the route to love. Spiritual potential and inner transformation are what is called for.

What happened to you???

Special Notes:

1. Mula Lunar Sign: The Sun and its surrounding planets centre on Mula Lunar Sign (Vedic Astrology uses 27 Lunar Signs as well as the more familiar 12 solar signs. The Lunar Signs are called Nakshatras, and they are incredibly powerful and accurate depictions of our lives). Mula Lunar Sign is fierce and confrontational. It is also the centre of the Galaxy. Mula is ruled by Nritta, the Vedic Goddess of Destruction.

2. Ardra Lunar Sign: The Moon and Ketu (the South Node) are opposite the Sun in Ardra Lunar Sign. Ardra is also fierce. It is the sign where we will weep if we allow our life to go off-course and betray our spiritual essence. Ardra is connected with deaths through disasters or wars (e.g. 9/11, the tsunami). Positively it is New Growth.

3. The Eclipse Line-up: The Sun represents the Higher Self in Vedic astrology; the Moon represents our personal reflection of that higher Self. We can look at the reflected light, but we can not look at the Sun direct. The Earth represents our body. In an Eclipse, Sun, Moon and Earth are all lined up and focussed as one.

4. The Benefics: Jupiter and Venus are strong during this difficult period. Venus calls on us to understand and purify our desires and tame our aggressions (Venus is Preceptor of Asuras or Titans). Jupiter calls us to mysticism, religion, ethics and law. They will help us understand our calamities or difficulties.

Here is some astrological information:

1. A Lunar Eclipse is when the Moon passes into the shadow of the Earth

2. The Galactic Centre has anciently been seen as the source of life. In Vedic Astrology, it is the Vishnu navi: the navel of Vishnu who dreams universes in and out of being: emanating them and then re-absorbing them when they grow too far from the God and become more and more corrupt.

3. The Winter Solstice is the shortest day. In ancient cultures it was seen as the birth of the Young God: born on the day the Old God dies.

The new sun is the Child of Promise: The Mabon. The Winter Solstice is the day the Sun changes direction, from getting darker to getting lighter. There have only been two Lunar Eclipses on Winter Solstice day since the birth of Christ.

4. This eclipse occurs at about the time that the Mayan calendar ends. The exact dates are a matter for conjecture, but this eclipse can be seen as the point of the Sun’s passage through the Galactic plane.

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Tammy Majchrzak


Tammy is a professional Psychic working on one of the top Psychic websites in the UK. She has been working as a Psychic Medium for over 10 years.

The readings are done on a Soul level, that is they bring through what you need to know right now as opposed to what you want to know. Tammy readings are in-depth, intuitive and guiding. The Reading may cover health, relationships, career, love and other areas of your life and past lives.

Tammy offers readings by email or in person at the Ilkley Happiness Centre, or can visit you in your own home.


Please have an open mind and heart when coming for a reading. They are for your soul and higher self and to bring you close to both so that you can move forward in your life more confidently and more at ease.


Tammy is also able to channel information to you from the Spirit world and can assist you with meeting your Spirit Guides if you so wish.


The readings are £15. Please contact Tammy direct on 07711 524853 or Gerda at the Happiness Centre.

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Wishing everybody a Happy Christmas from us all at The Happiness Centre, Our last meditation will be this Wednesday evening, then meditations will resume as normal from Monday the 10th January: We have a couple of events at the centre in the lead up to Christmas: information for you below x
Heal the Relationship Conflicts in your life – Free Talk after our usual 6.30pm Meditation led by Roxy
Wednesday 15th December 7.30pm-9pm
Are you experiencing conflict with someone?
Are you feeling upset, angry or frustrated by the behaviour of a partner, friend, family member or work colleague?
Do you find it difficult to open up to letting love into your life?
Come and find out how The Journey could help you. Journey therapy is a revolutionary form of guided inner healing. It takes you deep into your bodys cells to clear out old painful memories that may have been stored there for years, leaving you with a sense of freedom, clarity and expansiveness.
Louise Fennel is an accredited Journey Therapist and energetic healer
A brief introduction to the Crystal Kingdom and how Crystals can assist us in healing not only ourselves but others..
Saturday 18th December: 10am-12pm (cost: £25) – Email us to book

Course content:

1. What are Crystals?
2. Working with Crystals?
3. Crystal Communication
4. Cleansing & Programming
5. Say hello to some little friends
6. Crystals and Chakras
7. Lets play! – Demonstration and interaction with Crystals and using the Pendulum

With Tammy Majchrzak SNHS (Dip.Crystal Healing) 
Eyebrow Threading (Shaping) & Semi – permenant Eyelash Extensions in time for Christmas and New Year
Wednesday 22nd December 10am-5pm – by appointment only (only a couple of appointments left – so contact me asap if you’d like to book a slot)
Top National Eyebrow Threading and Eyelash Specialist – will be offering appointments between 10am & 5pm

LIFT the spirit HEAL the soul
The Happiness Centre
32a Leeds Road
LS29 8DS Ilkley

Telephone: 01943 60 15 17
Mobile: 07894 075951
Twitter: www.twitter.com/lift_heal
Email: info@liftthespirithealthesoul.com

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