
Posts Tagged ‘transformation’

ImageMetamorphic Technique is a valuable easy-to-learn technique for providing an unconditional space in which transformation can occur. One of the things I love about Metamorphic Technique is sharing it within the home.  Parents can do it on their children, partners can use it on each other, children can do it on their parents or even on each other as it really is so simple to do. And let’s not forget pets too, as many animals love this touch! 

In fact when we love something, there is a natural tendency to want to share that enthusiasm with others. So sharing something like Metamorphic Technique, once you’ve experienced it yourself, can be the most natural thing in the world.

When you do Metamorphic Technique you are offering an open, loving space to that person. You are letting go of any expectations and demands of what you consider to be right for them and in doing that you allow that person to find the best in themselves, their most authentic self. By doing MT, stuck dynamics in a family can change. Often children carry unexpressed emotions for the rest of the family and Metamorphic can allow for transformation to happen so everybody can feel lighter and freer. 

One of the most inspiring stories I heard about what MT can do was about a young boy at kindergarten who went home, after having had MT at school and insisted his parents learn how to do it. The family were not getting on very well and home was not an easy place to be. The parents responded to their son’s plea and the whole family learnt how to do it on each other and the whole atmosphere at home changed and became harmonious again. 

Metamorphic Technique is wonderful  to receive during pregnancy.  It can allow a mother the space to move through the transformation of pregnancy and birth with more ease and grace. Mothers have reported easier births and more contented babies and it is something she can continue to offer her child through all the different stages of development.

All that is involved is willingness to give and receive this soft, gentle touch on the feet, hands and head. No equipment is required, no special place or even any extra time as it can be done while chatting, listening to music or watching TV. A short ten minute session at bedtime can open the door to that inner magic we all have inside.

I offer regular workshops in the Metamorphic Technique, as well as personal sessions and family sessions. To learn more or to book call me on 07939118136 or visit: www.metamorphicwings.com.

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A welcome to my love                                                                                       
I will welcome you with my eyes first,
Glinting with pure joy at you standing by me.
Our arms will open wide to hold each other,
And feel that the vision is real.
Our hearts will open fully in each other’s hold,
Knowing they are home at last.
We will recognize the fragrances of a fertile land
In each other’s hair and lingering over our skin.
Our lips will seek the fruits of this land, over our face and body,
Some ripe and open, others hidden and so subtle in taste.
Our fingers will find the seeds of those fruits, scattered under our skin,
And revealed only to the careful gardener.
We are each other’s gardeners,
Tending to the beauty under our eyes, and the feast to our senses.
We are also our own gardener,
Honouring our divine and earth bound presence in all we do.
Come my love, I welcome you in all you are,
And share with you in all I am

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Today marks a special occasion in a couple’s life. Over time, February 14 has become the date for exchanging love messages and a celebration of St. Valentine, the patron saint of lovers. The date is marked by sending poems and simple gifts, such as flowers, to loved ones and secret loves. It’s a time to refocus on your love, and make it be felt to your partner. Then what? Back to normality, rushing along between managing the demands of your career, the family, and so little time for your couple… How often do you long for those special times to return, to happen more often, and cherish the bond you have together?

The “Loving Touch for couples” workshop I propose at the Happiness Centre early April gives you a safe and sacred space where you can feel this deep connection between you blossom and expand. There are simple yet powerful techniques you can use to tap into the intimacy of your love for each other, then nourish it and take it to a new depth. Once you have attended this one day workshop (which I currently split over 2 half days), you no longer have to wait for these special occasions when you are reminded why you are together. You can make them happen again and again every time you wish to feel close again.

The Happiness Centre itself is a place which nurtures peace and tranquillity, and where you can reconnect with your own true identity. From that place of respect for who you are, you are then in the best possible space to connect with your partner in a deep and meaningful way. The workshop uses various rooms specially prepared in the centre for different activities. Although it is called “Loving Touch”, it is not only about learning massage. It is also about finding peace in your mind with a meditation at the beginning, learning about male and female dynamics so you can interact with understanding, and having fun together dancing for instance.

I have created this massage from the tantric tradition. Tantra has a widespread number of connotations, and can be easily misinterpreted. I view it as a path to enlightment, by saying yes to all that is given to us in this life. The tantric massage I teach involves a deep respect of the person receiving the massage, allowing their energies to start flowing and opening up to the beauty of touch when a deep trust and love are present. Giving this massage is very rewarding too, seeing your partner melt under your skilful touch, and feeling your heart completely open and in tune with them. This in turn creates a space where intimacy can flourish.

This space is where your Valentine will receive the most beautiful gift from you, and where you can both dive into the richness and beauty of your love. A sacred space indeed, yet available to all when you are fully present to your partner.

Comments from previous participants include:

“We both really enjoyed the workshop and thought you conducted it with great maturity, charm and sensitivity. We were surprised at what we discovered in ourselves. It was lovely to spend so much time together, getting to know each other again. Thank you.” Couple of 44 and 48, together for 14 years

“I would recommend your workshop to any couple who want to maintain or re-ignite their passion to keep their relationship alive and connected. It really is a way to be completely present and in the moment for your partner. Thank you for this blessing.” Female participant (age 45)

“You held a very safe and sacred space in which you guided us in a very clear and light-hearted way into deepening our connection to each other through divine tantric massage. Everything – the environment, the lighting, the colours, the music, the dance and the massage were an invitation to open the senses to more intimacy and love. I felt amazing afterwards and I could feel energy rippling through my body. Thanks to your very clear guidelines and your manual we will continue to do this at home.” Female participant (age 60)

“I found the day to be both challenging and empowering. I got to see how to communicate through focussing on my partner in a different way and appreciating him and loving him. I saw how he trusted me to take care of him and nurture him and how he ‘gave’ himself to me.” Female participant (age 50)

“It was an interesting and enjoyable workshop. I have learnt a lot and am looking forward to putting it into practice” Male participant (age 52)

This “Loving Touch for couples” workshop is suitable for established couples who wish to gain a deeper level of intimacy or simply reignite the magic of being together, and for new couples who wish to establish a solid foundation in their physical, emotional and spiritual connection. No previous massage experience is required, just a willingness to express your love further.

My name is Kalyani, and I can be contacted on 07952 036 326 or by email on kalyani.ma.mukti@gmail.com Get in touch if you’d like to find out more about this beautiful workshop, or to book your place. There are limited places only. The dates are Saturday 2nd April pm and Sunday 3rd April am, and the investment is £180 per couple. If you can’t make that date but are interested in attending sometimes, let me know so that I can inform you about future dates.

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One of my favourite things is Metamorphic Technique. Receiving it, sharing it, practising it and teaching it.

So what is it and why do I love it? Well it simply involves a very light touch on the feet, hands and the head while you simply relax back or choose to talk, listen to music or whatever feels right for you. Choosing what feels right for you is at its very essence because it is an approach which honours the life force within each and every one of us as having the greatest wisdom about our own unfolding life.

A caterpillar instinctively responds to an inner impulse to create a cocoon and emerge as a beautiful butterfly at the right time. It knows that is what it was born to be. So our own life energy has an inner knowing too – if we choose to listen and respond. Yet we live in a world where we can deafen our ears to those inner promptings, try to use our clever logic to figure everything out, compare ourselves to others, push against the river and dull ourselves to our own magnificence.

To me having Metamorphic Technique is like an exquisite surrender to trusting that there is a deeper force within me that knows best where my true path lies and can lead me to those actions, those experiences, those situations which take me there. This may sound passive but it is not. I become more creative, more authentic, more happy in my own skin, in a nutshell more me. And most importantly it is easy. No long pathologising or analysing, no efforting to understand and control. Just the openness to step into the river of my life and let the water move me rather than to swim frantically against the current.

In my own case, Metamorphic sessions made me more decisive, prompted me to return to my native Yorkshire after 33 years away, moved my work in more fulfilling directions, opened my heart to love and helped me more courageous and trusting. Not bad for just lying back and having your feet, hands and head gently stroked.

If you want to learn more then go to my Metamorphic page on my website or the Metamorphic Association’s website or better still come along to my Metamorphic Technique workshop on Sunday 20th February 2011 at the Happiness Centre in Ilkley. Click here for more details or call me on 01274 617030 and spread your wings.


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The Relationship of Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes – A study of the astrology of love; and a poem for the Ilkley Poetry Group

Sylvia PlathLast October, I was commissioned to begin a study of the astrology of Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes, and an astrological evaluation of their relationship.

The timing was strange because by a huge coincidence, Saturn was transiting conjunct Sylvia Plath’s natal Moon on 7th October 2010! And Saturn transiting conjunct Moon is the special predictive condition in Vedic (or Indian) astrology known as Sade Sate (see: http://starwheel.wordpress.com/?s=sade+sate ). Sylvia’s Moon is at 8 deg Libra. And Saturn is again conjunct her Moon when it goes on station in June 2011 at 10 Libra. 

Sylvia Plath’s poetry is consummate genius, but the terrible tragedy is that, I feel, it represents the quarrying of her grief at the unhappiness of her marriage to Ted Hughes, and it seems to me to be a last stand to compete with him. In fact, I feel her poetry is far superior to his.

Sylvia Plath was born on 27.10.1932 at 14.10 hrs in Boston USA.
Ted Hughes was born 17.08.1930 at 01.12 hrs, in Mytholmroyd, near Hebden Bridge in West Yorkshire, UK.

They met: Sat 25.2.1952, in the evening, in Cambridge. Ted Hughes records having a dream on their wedding eve about a pike fish. Did he know the relationship was doomed? Things did not go well.

Eleven years later, in grief at Ted’s infidelity with Assia Wevill, Sylvia committed suicide on 11.2.1963, at 04.30 hrs, in London, at the age of thirty, by putting her head in the gas oven.

The horrific coincidence is that Assia Wevill’s relationship with Ted Hughes ended in exactly the same way, in the same gas oven. Assia Wevill was born on 15.5.1927 in Berlin, and when she gassed herself, she also killed their little girl Shura (born 3.3.1965, at 21.55 pm, in London). 

Ted Hughes did have an Astrologer of the time draw up a natal chart report for Shura. This is what the Astrologer wrote: ”There’d be a lot of fantasy,, pretending, Unreality and self deception, as well as willingness to be deceived by others”. The astrologer foretold Shura’s character: ”it’s possible that with the control that comes with age, this person will  begin to produce and be more creative, but I think this is a helof a chart to come with – a real crucifixion….I don’t feel this chart is very promising.” … ”There will be a severe loss in this person’s life –  death, accidents, etc in the family.”

Furthermore: Sylvia and Ted’s son Nicholas Hughes killed himself on 16.03.2009, at the age of forty-seven.

The purpose of the study I was asked to complete was to see what astrology has to say about these tragic lives and this terrible relationhsip.

However, the Purpose of this Blog is solely to see what the Vedic Astrology of Love and Marriage has to say about their relationship. This Blog focuses on their relationship as an entity in itself. It does not, therefore, at all focus on the astrology of their individual lives, which I will report on in later Blogs, save to say, here, that Sylvia Plath has in her birth chart a special indicator  in Vedic Astrology of having a problematic husband, namely that Jupiter in her birth chart is conjunct the South Node of the Moon. The South Node of the Moon is called Ketu in Vedic Astrology. Jupiter is the karaka (or Indicator) of ‘husband’ in a woman’s chart. To have Ketu conjunct a planet ‘spoils it’. The energy of Ketu is dissolution: a dissolving like knives. Women with Jupiter conjunct Ketu have very special love issues – as do men and women with Venus conjunct Ketu.  

I want to convey to you that the Vedic Astrology of Love and Relationships starts of with a very sure ‘foundation declaration’. you can trust it. it’s succinct and accurate.  It offers a sure foundation to the evaluation of a relationship. It evaluates a relationship according to a range of key qualities qualities that Western Astrology can not encompass.

If a relationship fares badly in the Vedic foundation analysis, one would not bother to look further at the next step in the analysis of the relaitonhsip: the aspects between the planets, nor at the western psychodynamic astrology between the couple. If the foundation test fails, one would advise against the marriage.

This ancient, sure and valid statement of relationships is still available today in Vedic Astrology, and it now has a huge gift to bring to the modern West.

I routinely offer Relationship Reports, and also the Starwheel Workshops where there is an emphasis on Love and Relationships, where Depth Insight from the astrology is uniquely combined with demonstration of fast-acting depth-healing techniques such as Emotion Code, EFT, Metamorphic Technique, Quantum Touch and other healing methods. there is testimony to the accuracy and vlaue of the insight, and the power fo the healing in these workshops.  

So, what does the ancient Vedic Astrology of Love and Relationships have to say about the relationship between Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes? 

I now present a very abbreviated form of the Vedic Love and Relationship report I routinely offer (together with the western astrology of relationships) to my ‘love and relationship’ astrology clients, so here is the report as it applies to Sylvia and Ted’s relationship:

The Foundation of the Vedic Astrology of Love and Marriage is to combine the Moons of the couple (Vedic astrology says relationhsip compatibility can not accurately be determined from a comparison of the Suns of the couple, which is the standard approach used in western astrology. Our Sun is our ‘busniness self’, our ego; but it should be our Moons or our emotional bases that we compare to evaluate a relationship).

The Vedic method compares the Lunar Sign the Moon falls in at the moment of birth for each partner. There are 27 of these Lunar Signs (called Nakshatras) and they are unbelievably magical and valid.

Ted Hughes’ Moon is in the powerful Lunar Sign of Bharani. It’s power animal is the male elephant!
Sylvia Plath’s Moon is in the skillful but tricky and duplicitous Lunar Sign of Hasta whose power animal is the Female Buffalo.

Let’s look at how the Vedic Astrology of Love and Relationships rates this particualr relationship according to its standard evaluation headings: 

FIRST THERE’S THE ISSUE OF RESPECT – Will the couple respect each other? This is also called Strii Dirga. This facet is crucial. Vedic Astrology says there is the capacity for Respect in Sylvia and Ted’s relationship. They would have started out with this quality. 

NEXT THERE’S THE ISSUE OF WAVELENGTH – Are you on the same wavelength? The score out of a maximum possible 36 points – and there are eight factors to score within these 36 points. Sylvia and Ted get 19 points out of the possible 36. Effectively the minimum viable score is considered to be 18. Not very good. Let’s look at the detail of the scoring they get within the eight subheadings under ‘Wavelength’. Note that the eight categories get more and more important as we work our way down the list, and the maximum number of possible points each facet can score gets higher too:

1. Positive Improvement: Will you tend towards positive improvement? (<1 point). This is also called ‘Mutation’ or ‘Varna Kuta’. They get the max possible one point.

2. Innate Giving: Will you innately give to each other? (<2 points). This is also called Vasya Kuta. Ted and Sylvia’s relationship gets one point out of a possible max of 2 points

3. Comfort: Will the man’s presence be felt as comfortable or threatening to the woman? ( ❤ points). This is also called Tara or Dina Kuta. They get 1.5 points out of the maximum possible 3 points. This would be how things would have started off before the terrible issue of the imbalance of ‘assertive pressure’ inevitably set in – see below.

4. Sexual compatibility, also called Yoni Kuta. The better the Yonis between the couple the better they can act together and bond.  (<4 points). This is called Yoni Kuta. They get three points out of a possible four, so there was sexual magnetic attraction. But was it enough?

5. Friendliness: It’s so important to be friends – or are you neutral or even inimical towards each other? (<5 points). This is also called Graha Maitram Kuta. Their relationhsip get a dismal and terrible  0.5 points out of five. They were no way friends.

6. Affinity: Is there affinity between the two people’s temperaments? (<6 points). This is also called Gana Kuta and their relationhsip gets three points out of a possible six.

7. Constructivism: Can you be constructive together? Favorable scores predict prosperity and happiness; lowest scores can bring loss, ruin, quarreling and separation or loss of progeny (<7 points). This is also called Bha Kuta or Rashi Kuta, and Ted and Sylvia get a disasterous  NIL points out of a possible seven! This is a major blow: they can never act constructively together.

8. Humour Imbalance: Is there excess of the three ‘humours’: Kapha, Pitta or Vata in the relationship: there should be balance (<8 points). This is also called Nadi Kuta and their score is 8/8:  no problem with this facet.


The ‘Detriments are also known as the Doshas. The two Detriments are:

1. Obstruction: Will there be excessive obstructions that prevent your lives from completely coming together? This is also called Vedha Dosha or ‘Forbidden Combinations’, and they are not rated as being afflicted by ‘obstacles’.

2. Misfortune: Will the couple be ‘roped to’ misfortune or not, and will unexpected troubles arise between them? This system is also used to establish how compatible the energies of each partner’s chakras are with each other. This is also called Rajju Dosha – and there is no problem inherently identified here. 


The Beneficial Supplements are also called the Upaskaras. They are:

1. Shared Sense of Purpose: Is there the needed ‘shared sense of purpose’? This is also called Mahendra. And the danger identified with Sylvia and Ted is that they do not have the necessary sense of purpose. Sense of purpose needs to be there moment by moment and long-term over a life-time. Having no innate shared sense of purpose can be overcome if there is Respect (which there was initially for these two) and if there is balance of assertive pressure (and for these two the imbalance of assertive pressure was horrific: see below).

2. Magnetic Attraction: Is there magnetic attraction between the couple. This is also called Vasya. If the magnetic attraction is one-way, this can be an horrifically dangerous ‘Fatal Attraction’.  For Sylvia and Ted there was no magnetic attraction. This is not in itself a problem. The fatal one-way attraction is the great danger here! And they did not have that.


Mars is a malefic. Its energy is good for getting things done but can be abrasive, harmful or destructive in relationship issues. This facet warns us if one partner is far more assertive than the other. This is also called Kuja Dosha.

If you have Mars in the first house in your natal chart, or Mars in the fourth House, you are a Kuja Dosha person, and you are just too abraisive for marriage to work. You would need insight, awareness and healing, and careful choice of marriage partner.

It is here that the hugest flaw in the relationship between Ted and Sylvia is very clearly and accurately identified. Ted is measured to be five times more assertive than Sylvia. This is a horrific and final impediment to a relationship. If only they could have been told that Vedic Astrology gives this verdict before it was too late!


 On the basis of a very low wavelength score; the lack of innate constructivism, and no shared sense of purpose, plus, most especially the fact that Ted is irremediably immensely more powerfully assertive than Sylvia, no Vedic Astrologer would have recommended this relationship.

It would not have been OK even just as a friendship.

Most certainly, the marriage would not have gone ahead. It is a no-hoper. And what would have been so useful to Sylvia and Ted to know. Vedic Astrology could have pointed this out to them.

 The big and irrevocably huge problem is Ted being five times as assertive than Sylvia, whereas there needs to be assertive balance. I do give out detailed Love and Relationship reports to my clients evaluating their existing or proposed relationships. Here’s the sort of things the report can say in a case of ‘assertive pressure imbalance’ like Sylvia and Ted’s:

Your horoscopes shows that the man asserts himself with more force than the woman. This can result in the woman feeling pushed into the corner or like she never has a say on a matter. She may also find it hard to say “no” when she needs to in face of the man’s stronger presence. The man may also feel that the woman is not rising to the occasion of building the best life together and this can cause him to get quite frustrated. If by chance the man is a very gentle person, then this can manifest a bit differently. He may simply be very stubborn and quietly insist on things going the way he deems fit. This can make it quite difficult for the woman’s concerns to be met and while her concerns may not be challenged, sufficient attention will not likely be given to them.


As a Footnote, let’s look very briefly at the ‘standard’ compatibility issues between the two lunar Signs:

Ted has Moon in Bharani Lunar Sign and his power animal is a male elephant.
Sylvia has Moon in Hasta and is a female buffalo. 

Bharani and Hasta: Hasta (Sylvia) will be inviting and loving and will love you with nothing in return. Be careful how you treat them. They are insecure and in constant need of your approval. They get trapped into conventional lives yet yearn to be conventional. The insecurity makes them possessive and jealous.

 Hasta and Bharani: Hasta (Sylvia) is fascinated by Bharani’s (Ted’s) sexual confi­dence. This is the area where Hasta is the least confident. Hasta will love Bharani without expecting anything in return. So Bharani would always need to be so careful with Hasta’s feelings, or they would destroy Hasta. A further problem is that both signs are possessive and stubborn. Hasta will always feel insecure, and always suspicious of Bharani’s friends. 


 Here is my favourite poem by Sylvia Palth:

 Nick And The Candlestick – by Sylvia Plath

I am a miner.
The light burns blue.
Waxy stalactites
Drip and thicken, tears 
The earthen womb
Exudes from its dead boredom.
Black bat airs
Wrap me, raggy shawls,
Cold homicides.
They weld to me like plums.
Old cave of calcium
Icicles, old echoer.
Even the newts are white,
Those holy Joes.
And the fish, the fish—-
Christ! They are panes of ice,
A vice of knives,
A piranha
Religion, drinking
Its first communion out of my live toes.
The candle
Gulps and recovers its small altitude,
Its yellows hearten.
O love, how did you get here?
O embryo
Remembering, even in sleep,
Your crossed position.
The blood blooms clean
In you, ruby.
The pain
You wake to is not yours.
Love, love,
I have hung our cave with roses.
With soft rugs—-
The last of Victoriana.
Let the stars
Plummet to their dark address,
Let the mercuric
Atoms that cripple drip
Into the terrible well,
You are the one
Solid the spaces lean on, envious.
You are the baby in the barn.

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Love and Relationships Sessions for the Individual Couple

Journey to the loving heart of your relationship

Receive clear, accurate insight into your relationship

 Open up to love.

Receive empowering coaching and healing. 

It can be so helpful to have the support and insight of a skilled helpful outsider. The healing techniques taught are powerful, fast and deep-acting. This workshop is for those who wish to attend as an individual couple. The two of you will therefore receive dedicated expert support from the workshop leaders. 

These workshops last three hours and are set up on a date and time to suit you at the Happiness Centre in Ilkley. They are a uniquely helpful combination of depth insight and healing. Insight is drawn from western psychodynamic astrology and the ancient and highly accurate Vedic (Indian) Astrology of Relationships Compatibility. Fast deep-acting healing methods are demonstrated, such as Emotion, Code, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Metamorphic Technique and psychosynthesis role-play. No previous astrological knowledge is needed for this workshop. Price: £150 per couple.

The workshop leaders are Michael Conneely and Maggie Pashley:


Michael email: michael@starwheel.co.uk        Tel: 077-992-96821
Maggie email:  maggie@changeforlife.co.uk    Tel: 01274- 617030

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Black Swan – by Maggie Pashley

 A hothouse of pink fluffy toys
Imprisons her in enforced childhood
A saccharine sweetness
Stifles her urge to experience more.
The love that nurtured and
Celebrated each early step
Now holds back.

Other cultures
might celebrate
This age-coming,
would lift over the threshold
In a feast of song, dance and ritual

And yet in our world
We can prolong an over-ripe childhood.
Is it because we fear the world we have created
that our child now enters?

Is it the fear of
Being cast aside
Our use exhausted
Or – having to fuller excuse to be ourselves?

The next meeting of the Ilkley Poetry Group is Monday February 14th at the Happiness Centre, 32a Leeds Road, ILKLEY, LS29 8DS, Tel: 01943-601517. The meeting starts in the meditation room upstairs at 7.30 pm immediately following the 6.30 Free Meditation. Come along to both! Share your love of poetry: bring your own work or poems you love.



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Two quite different poems about ways of understanding the Self:

’I am not one of those,’ he chanted
’Who put the garland of skulls round Thy neck,
And then look back in terror
And call Thee the Merciful.

The heart must become a burial ground:
Pride, Selfishness and Desire all
Broken into dust

– Then, and then alone, will the Mother dance there!’

                                                                    – Vivekenanda

As kingfishers catch fire and dragonflies draw flame;
As tumbled over rim in roundy wells
Stones ring; like each tucked string tells, each hung bell’s
Bow swung finds tongue to fling out broad its name;
Each mortal thing does one thing and the same:
Deals out that being indoors each one dwells;
Selves – goes itself: myself it speaks and spells,
Crying What I do is me: for that I came.’

                                                                – Gerard Manley-Hopkins

The next meeting of the Ilkley Poetry Group is Monday February 14th at the Happiness Centre, 32a Leeds Road, ILKLEY, LS29 8DS, Tel: 01943-601517. The meeting starts in the meditation room upstairs at 7.30 pm immediately following the 6.30 Free Meditation. Come along to both! share your love of poetry: bring your own work or poems you love.

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I am circling around God,
Around the ancient tower,
And I have been circling for a thousand years,

And I still don’t know if I am
A falcon,
Or a storm,
Or a great song.
                     — Rainer Maria Rilke

The next meeting of the Ilkley Poetry Group is Monday February 14th at the Happiness Centre, 32a Leeds Road, ILKLEY, LS29 8DS, Tel: 01943-601517. The meeting starts in the meditation room upstairs at 7.30 pm immediately following the 6.30 Free Meditation. Come along to both! share your love of poetry: bring your own work or poems you love.

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Ruler of Aquarius:                                Uranus
FIXED SIGN:                                           Eccentric, determined, stubborn
ELEMENT AIR:                                      Ideas
GLYPH:                                                    The Water Bearer -who symbolizes brotherhood and fraternity: pours out life force and spirituality
Approx. Dates: Jan 20th to Feb 18th. Exact dates vary because of leap years, time zones and other factors


N.B. If you have a planet aspected by Uranus in your chart, you may well be quite Uranian: Humanitarian, Independent, Original. Aquarius is about ideas, science and knowledge: this is a gift or a curse!  


Prometheus: Aquarius relates to Prometheus who stole fire from heaven to give it to humanity (and was punished by Zeus for so-doing) Redeems humanity from darkness. 





Ganymede: The myth of Ganymede is also relevant: Ganymede was a beautiful boy who was Zeus cup-bearer, with whom Zeus became infatuated, thus rejecting Hera his wife, implicitly rejecting the feminine in us, the instinctual, the emotional. Unfaithful.  



The third relevant myth is that of Uranus, Aquarius’ ruler: Uranus was dissatisfied by his children – he felt offended and repelled by them – and so he imprisoned them: Aquarius has problems accepting the physical; and can reject offspring and other creations because of inevitable – real or imagined – imperfections. 


Aquarius’ foibles are very wide-ranging: Theory, but no heart, Stubborn fanaticism, Totalitarian idealism, Intellectual bigotry, Loves humanity – but not people! Defends the underdog, Brusque and unfeeling, Cool, Insensitive, Rigid, dogmatic, Stupid in dealing with feelings, Horror at being selfish can lead to a life messed up! Aggression gets submerged by guilt, The Sun is in detriment in Aquarius, therefore lacks self-confidence – and individual self-expression is hampered, a fear of self-fulfilment, Loads of ‘shoulds’ and ‘oughts’, Feels guilt at having more than others, as if he or she is not entitled to it and may deserve punishment (echoes of the Prometheus myth)



Aquarius is the champion of Light and the Spirit, has a gift for logic, intellectual analysis, reasonableness, rationality (even brilliance), has got all the answers; defines both the problem and the solution instantly – often maddeningly so! But has no room for emotion or chance. Aquarius is guided and motivated by strong ideas, Good at dealing with facts, Retentive memory, Fertile imagination, Quick-thinking mind, Can over-flow with ideas, but being mental can fail to see projects through and have problems with application.


Conflict between introversion and extroversion needs, Aquarius is frightened of feelings, embarrassed by romance, Aquarius has implicit Hope – and Faith in human potential, Displays an ambivalent perfectionism to people, 


Aquarius can be impractical with possessions and may need to learn to deal effectively with money. Aquarius does his or her best within humanitarian settings.  


Aquarius fear of feelings can devastate relationships with a partner, or with children, or with friends. He or she can’t understand the need for sentimental displays of affection. Aquarius can be embarrassed by emotion; won’t show tears. Don’t go to an Aquarius for sympathy! Aquarius mind can be detached from emotions. Aquarius will speak for justice, progress, liberation – but Aquarius actions may be otherwise (Hypocritical – but thinks he/she’s sincere). Shows integrity. Has a dispassionate interest in and sympathy for humanity – but almost as an intellectual response rather than ‘from the heart’. Aquarius’ ideals clash with human nature – therefore may need anchoring. Gets annoyed with people who don’t understand ( = agree!). Argumentative and forceful, therefore can alienate people and provoke. Aquarius is friendly and sociable and has a large circle of friends. Loyal to friends – unless they discard them on intellectual grounds. Strong group instincts. May have a perpetual over-concern for the power of, or for the view-point of the group. Gains enjoyment from meeting new people, exchanging ideas and relating on a mental level. Has distinct likes and dislikes. Aquarius thinks he or she likes to be an equal among equals. Aquarius is ferociously civilizing. Gets irritated if others infringe on his/her intellectual freedom.  


Said not to fall in love easily. Must have an intellectually compatible partner must retain independence. Danger of self-loss through guilt. There can be too much self-sacrifice. Said to be loyal to the idea of marriage. Has a lot of self-discipline in a relationship. NOT particularly sensuous, as compared to Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces. Friendship can be more important than love. 


Dedicated to upholding control. Reforming everyone. Pushing the ideological hobby-horse. Hypocrisy. Pushing the ideal, yet not loving the person – disregarding the person’s integrity. OUT OF TOUCH WITH THEIR EMOTIONS.  Frightened to acknowledge:
Anger, Resentment, Jealousy, Longing, Need, Helplessness, Fear.  


An inspiring companion and friend in her own right, Can have great difficulty in expressing feelings, e.g: Stiffness, Rigidity, Pride, 
In personal relationships, she can appear: Cool, Remote, Aloof, Sometimes, emotions stay unconscious, Can be embarrassed by her own femaleness, Aquarius has a reputation for bisexuality and for a need for additional purely sexual affairs outside marriage/partnership.
Aquarius Has: Strength, Independence, Original thought, Self-sacrifice. She either turns her self-discipline into the personal sphere, Or she turns her muscle on the world in some way. She needs to become involved with a cause. Home and family are insufficient to exercise her intellectual abilities and interests – “don’t tie me down!” Can tend to exaggerate her own problems.  


Has an intellectual bias: Thinker, Dreamer, Philosopher, Scientist, Aggravated problem of confronting his own emotions: Cool, Proud, Hides hurt or breakdown. He is more sensitive than he knows. He masks terribly vulnerable emotions. Can’t discuss personal feelings, Doesn’t adjust well to people. His partner needs detachment and his/her own source of creative life. And his partner mustn’t expect emotional honesty of him! He can believe in ‘open relationships’. He is rather child-like.

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